First off, PLEASE please please PLEASE say "Lua," not "LUA." Lua is NOT AN ACRONYM! *vents* :P
Also, as Nick said, please indent your code (I think you may need to use spaces instead of a tab), and also "block" it, meaning put comments after the end statements. Here's how it should look:function handler(document)
local audienceField = document:findField('AUDIENCE2')
if audienceField then
dataFieldvalue = document:fieldGetValue(audienceField)
result = strsplit(',', dataFieldvalue) -- Although it's a style thing, it's usually common to surround an assignment operator with whitespace
for key,value in pairs(result) do
document:addField('AUDIENCE', value)
end -- for
end -- if
end -- function handler
function strsplit(delimiter, text)
local list = { } -- Another style thing, I usually put a space in an empty array
local pos = 1
if string.find("", delimiter, 1) then
return nil
end -- if
while 1 do
local first
local last = string.find(text, delimiter, pos) -- When you're intializing a field, put it on its own line
if first then
table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos, first - 1)) -- Whitespace surrounds binary operators
pos = last + 1 -- Whitespace surrounds binary operators
table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos))
end -- if
end -- while
return list
end -- function strsplit
I don't mean this as an "I'm so greater than thou, BOW BEFOAR MAH MIGHT!! *BWAHAHAHAHAHA*" I'm just trying to point out the necessity and importance of legible style.
Now, to (attempt to) answer your question! :) First off, I also wonder what you mean by the snippet Nick pointed out. Did you mean string.find(text, delimiter) ? (You don't really need to supply 1 as the third argument -- it's the default.) This would return nil if delimiter wasn't present in text .
Also, when there's a memory issue, it's usually because of an infinite loop where memory is allocated indefinitely. If I recall correctly, Lua's default comparison is to check if something is non-nil , not true or non-zero like in other languages. Therefore, since first is never defined as nil , the break statement will never be reached.
Would you be willing to say what, exactly, you are trying to do?
Edit: Also, use the [code][/code] forum tags to surround code. This no only makes it stand out, it also preserves lines (rather than wrapping them in smaller windows), and makes it monospace. |