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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ Mushclient seems to have added to my Aardwolf prompt

Mushclient seems to have added to my Aardwolf prompt

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Posted by Arinlares   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Mon 25 Oct 2010 05:20 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 25 Oct 2010 05:31 AM (UTC) by Arinlares

I apologize if the solution to my issue is mind-numbingly simple, but I can't get it.

I followed a video tutorial to get a bunch of plugins that Mr. Gammon put on Youtube, had two lines of redundant information under my prompt, and now have open and close tags on all information/help pages I open ({help}{helpbody}{/helpbody}{/help}, <MAPEND>, {bimgmap}{/bigmap}, etc, for the corresponding commands). I was wondering If I could get some help on setting everyhting back to how it was, so I can simply enable the bigmap and minimap plugins, and have the MUD respond as it does by default, and also be able to use other clients that don't use MUSHClient's plugins normally.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Mon 25 Oct 2010 05:51 AM (UTC)
Aardwolf has an option to send some stuff "tagged" which is intended to be caught by triggers and then omitted from normal output. If you type "tags" into the MUD you should see something like this:

Tag Name      Description                                             Status    
------------  ------------------------------------------------------- ------   
BIGMAP        Display tags/keyword around bigmap: {BIGMAP}            YES
CHANNELS      Display tags around channels - {chan ch=name}           YES
COORDS        Display coordinates while on continents: {coords}       YES
EDITORS       Display tags when entering / leaving editors: {edit/}   NO 
EQUIP         Display tags when viewing own equipment: {equip/}       YES
EXITS         Display tags around autoexits: {exits}                  NO 
HELPS         Display tags around help and help headers.              YES
INV           Display tags when viewing own inventory: {inventory/}   YES
MAP           Display tags around map: <MAPSTART> <MAPEND>            YES
MAPEXITS      Adds room exits within maptags                          YES
MAPNAMES      Adds room name within maptags                           YES
QUIET         Temporarily turns all other tags on/off:                NO 
ROOMDESCS     Display tags around descs {RDESC}                       NO 
ROOMNAMES     Display tags around roomnames when moving: {rname}      NO 
SAYS          Display tags around says: {say}                         YES
SCORE         Display tags around score: {score}                      YES
SKILLGAINS    Display tags when you gain/increase a skill/spell       YES
SPELLUPS      Display tags on spellups - multiple tags                YES
TELLS         Display tags around tells - {tell}                      YES
TELOPTS       See output when client auto sets flags.                 NO 
MAPDATA       Experimental - does nothing yet.                        NO 
ROOMCHARS     Display tags around characters in a room.               NO 
ROOMOBJS      Display tags around items in a room.                    NO 
SCAN          See tags around scan output.                            NO 
Global tags option (tags on/off) is On.

In my case I see quite a few tags with YES next to them. You can turn them off one by one, eg.

tags bigmap off
Tag option bigmap turned OFF

Or just turn them all off:

tags off
Tags are now off.

Although that didn't seem to totally work for me, so maybe just turn all the ones that are on, off, like I showed for bigmap.

You might also need to turn off statmon tags:

statmon off
You will no longer see tagged stats after each prompt.

- Nick Gammon,

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