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Echo trigger

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Posted by Aduial   (19 posts)  Bio
Date Tue 14 Oct 2003 04:49 PM (UTC)
How can I set an echo after a trigger? For example, I type:

shape guard
Guard doesn't look so great.
*$HIY$--Guard of Linhir dlsg--Guard of Linhir dlsg--Guard of Linhir dlsg--*

How do I set a trigger to put the line in the ** (without the * themselves of course)?

Posted by Ked   Russia  (524 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Wed 15 Oct 2003 09:09 AM (UTC)
Do you want to put that line on the screen, following the actual MUD output (Guard doesn't look so good)? I can't understand what is it you are trying to do exactly. However, following my customary tradition of jumping the gun before even seeing all of it, here's how to set a trigger to add a message after a line of MUD output:

match="Guard doesn't look so good."
><send>world.Note &quot;$HIY$--Guard of Linhir dlsg--Guard of Linhir dlsg--Guard of Linhir dlsg--&quot;</send>

This should display:
$HIY$--Guard of Linhir dlsg--Guard of Linhir dlsg--Guard of Linhir dlsg--

right after you get the "Guard doesn't look so good." from the MUD.


Posted by Aduial   (19 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Wed 15 Oct 2003 11:36 PM (UTC)
All is OK now, except of one thing again: it seems that the output colour is set to some kind of blue, and it doesn't turn to yellow when I set it in the trigger itself. Where do I change it from?

And another thing - for triggers again. For example:

=HP:230 EP:230= Linhir(w, n, city and s)
A signpost
A hitching post
Without warning, Daywalker stabs you from behind!

A trigger matching: (.*) stabs you from behind!
I wanna send to world: $:has been backstabbed by %1 in the room Linhir(w, n, city and s) at HP:230 EP:230!

How do I set the HP/EP and the room?

Posted by Shadowfyr   USA  (1,790 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Thu 16 Oct 2003 12:41 AM (UTC)
Try this:

<send>ColourNote &quot;Yellow&quot;,&quot;Black&quot;,&quot;$HIY$--Guard of Linhir dlsg--Guard of Linhir dlsg--Guard of Linhir dlsg--&quot;</send>

The commands Tell and Note both use a default color for output, you have to use ColourTell and ColourNote to make it use anything else. The color settings in triggers are only designed to color the 'existing' line or word(s) that where found by the trigger. In other words, it will color the line about the guard not looking good, but not any of the text output by scripts.

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