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➜ getting an item from one of many containers
getting an item from one of many containers
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Posted by
| Thefool
(2 posts) Bio
| Wed 01 Jun 2005 12:38 PM (UTC) |
| I am sure this is very simple but i just don't seem to get it.
I have several containers. i want to retrieve and sell items from those containers.
i have tried
get %1 from pack|satchel
sell %1
but it says it cannot find pack|satchel. i tried adding brakets but to no avail
where am i going wrong? | Top |
Posted by
| Meerclar
USA (733 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Wed 01 Jun 2005 01:19 PM (UTC) |
| Are you using this in a trigger or as part of a script? I want to say triggers can't currently recognize "pipes" for "or" conditions except as part of a regexp. |
Meerclar - Lord of Cats
Coder, Builder, and Tormenter of Mortals
Stormbringer: Rebirth | Top |
Posted by
| Thefool
(2 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Wed 01 Jun 2005 01:29 PM (UTC) |
| actually i had it in an alias.
i have several alias's where i have to repeat lines with alternative item names ie
get %1 from pack
get %1 from satchel
open door
open box
i was just trying to reduce the commands i sent to the world and tidy up the alias by having one line that did both. it isn't a big deal really..i suppose i was just trying to learn something. and therein lies the danger :) | Top |
Posted by
| Dralnu
USA (277 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Wed 01 Jun 2005 04:50 PM (UTC) |
| If it is an alias in game, then either you put in something wrong, or uyou don't have what you're trying to get or get from. Check your inv and double check keywords | Top |
Posted by
| Ked
Russia (524 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Sat 04 Jun 2005 09:17 AM (UTC) |
| Using pipes won't save you any commands, since the MUD obviously doesn't understand them, judging by the output it gives. So the commands are still sent to the MUD as if you put them one after the other. And when you try to learn something you always do learn something, which is the point of learning. It's just that sometimes you learn the opposite of what you expected to learn ;) | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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