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Creating a skill learning system that doesn't rely on class.

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Posted by Mudman10977   USA  (2 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Thu 15 Nov 2001 12:50 AM (UTC)
Hello all,


I'm a newbie coder. I recently began working on a cygwin winport of Smaug1.4a on my home PC, with the goal of learning how the code works. My only programming experience has been with BASIC on an old Tandi Color Computer 3 I had. While I can understand a little about how C works, most of it looks rather confusing.

I started my learning process off by downloading several snippets of code that I would like to have on my mud. I read the installtion instructions, and put the snippets up, and, apart from a few bugs I had in the last one I installed, they worked perfectly fine.

They helped me gain a better understanding of the codes structure, but I'm still stumped as for how I would go about modifing a major (at least to my mind) piece of the code.


Basically, I want to set up a skill learning system similar to what was in the FF9 PS1 game (If you've never played FF9, the system basically allowed the characters to learn their skills from weapons/equipment they wore).

At first, I thought about setting up a combat earning in fight.c similar to how xp is gained in combat, but, after examining the xp code I have no idea how I would do this, as the code seems far to complex for my current level of knowledge.

My next thought is to create a special object type that would grant the PC use of a skill embedded in the object. Once they had earned enough % (maybe adept) in the skill, then they had learned the skill and could use it without having the item equipped.

Of course, that presents the problem of where would I start this?


If you know of any helpful documents on coding in Smaug (I once had a doc that explained what each .c .h file contained, and a brief example of how to add things to it, but I don't anymore and have no idea where to get it) I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me a URL to it.

If you can give me any help on this (such as adding object type and how I would code in the learning % info) please reply.

I appreciate any help you can give me, and I thank you all in advance.



PS. I appoligize for the length of this message, but I wanted to try and present as much information on what I wanted to do as possible.


'Strange visitor from the planet NOCRYPTon.'

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