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➜ Can't draw images alpha AND stretch...
Can't draw images alpha AND stretch...
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Pages: 1
Posted by
| Asmodeusbrooding
(22 posts) Bio
| Reply #15 on Fri 04 Nov 2022 08:25 AM (UTC) |
Nick Gammon said:
WindowMergeImageAlpha(visibleWindow, alphaImageId, "alphaMaskId", 128, 128, 192, 192, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-- This is the one that works
WindowMergeImageAlpha(visibleWindow, "alphaImageId", "alphaMaskStretchedId", 64, 128, 128, 192, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Once again you are confusing me. Is this intentional? You have alphaImageId in the first line and "alphaImageId" in the second line.
alphaImageId contains "chest". Your use of quotes and non-quotes for what looks like an identical variable (however with different contents) looks like a typo. Can you at least be consistent? Always use variables, and not literal quotes inside these function calls.
Hey Nick, I didn't write this, my friend did. I'm sorry if it's not ideal. I did test it and it worked, and also in my own testing you'd sometimes get errors for using variables and not strings in those functions so that's probably why it was used, but you'd know better than I would about it.
I can fix that string for you to test. | Top |
Posted by
| Fiendish
USA (2,534 posts) Bio
Global Moderator |
| Reply #16 on Sat 05 Nov 2022 08:04 PM (UTC) Amended on Sat 05 Nov 2022 08:35 PM (UTC) by Fiendish
Quote: Hey Nick, I didn't write this, my friend did.
The first step then, IMO, is to read it line by line and understand what it's doing (not what someone thinks it's supposed to be doing, but what it's actually doing). Ask your friend to walk you through it if needed.
Because Nick is right. Assigning the string "chest" to a variable named alphaImageId and then also using a string "alphaImageId" looks like the product of a muddled thought process that doesn't know why a string and a variable are different. And if it's not, then an explanation for what the author is thinking would help.
With that said...
Nick, I think Asmodeusbrooding is just confused about the relationship between a transformation matrix and a target size and would benefit from a way to do the resize given a target width/height or right/bottom instead of a transformation matrix. | | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #17 on Sun 06 Nov 2022 12:18 AM (UTC) Amended on Sun 06 Nov 2022 12:22 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
Fiendish said:
Nick, I think Asmodeusbrooding is just confused about the relationship between a transformation matrix and a target size and would benefit from a way to do the resize given a target width/height or right/bottom instead of a transformation matrix.
OK, well, the transformation matrix really only needs two numbers to be changed. In my examples on the earlier page I used 0.5 and 0.8 (in two places, one for X and one for Y).
So, if you zoom in and the map squares are 1.5 times as large, then you need to transform the chest by 1.5 (make it 1.5x larger so it is the same size relative to the map square).
Plus, since all the squares are now 1.5 times further apart, then the X and Y offset will also need to be multiplied by 1.5, thus placing it in the correct position.
Likewise for any other zoom multiplier. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #18 on Sun 06 Nov 2022 12:26 AM (UTC) |
| You can convert map square sizes to a multiplication factor like this:
Say the map square are initially 40 x 60 pixels. Now you zoom in and they are 80 x 120 pixels. So, the multiplication factor is clearly 2:
80 / 40 = 2
120 / 60 = 2
So your "matrix multiplication" factor will be 2x whatever-it-was to get the chest the right size in the first place. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #19 on Sun 06 Nov 2022 12:31 AM (UTC) |
| See
-- for scaling
WindowTransformImage (win, imageid, X_Translate, Y_Translate, miniwin.image_transparent_copy, X_Scale, 0, 0, Y_Scale)
So you plug those figures into WindowTransformImage to get the correct translation (movement sideways) and scale (size). |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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