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PPI - A plugin communications script
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Posted by
| Fadedparadox
USA (91 posts) Bio
| Reply #105 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 06:58 PM (UTC) |
David Haley said:
To be clear, I was talking not about using them in general, but needing to communicate them across plugins. Besides, these are just another form of anonymous function; there's nothing particularly different about them being in a table or not.
Ah, I misunderstood. As long as the function is accessible, where the function was originally in a table, I'll be alright with it. And for my uses, it wouldn't matter if I recieved a copy of the function, or access to the function in the original plugin. | Top |
Posted by
| Fadedparadox
USA (91 posts) Bio
| Reply #106 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 07:01 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 22 Jan 2010 07:18 PM (UTC) by Fadedparadox
David Haley said:
I still need a use case, though.
I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but this is a function I'd make accessible to additional plugins.
rift = {
-- stuff cut out before
display = function (spec)
if spec then string.lower (spec) end
spec = rift.long[spec] or spec
AnsiNote (ansicolor (2), "Your rift contains:")
for k, v in ipairs (rift.cats) do
if (spec == v) or ((not spec) and rift.groups[v]) then
AnsiNote (ansicolor (12), "\n" .. string.proper (rift.short[v] or v))
rift.displaygroup (v)
end -- if
end -- for
prompt.draw ()
rift.min = nil
end, -- func
-- stuff cut out after
I'd obviously change it to work more generally, but most of the function would remain how it is. | Top |
Posted by
| David Haley
USA (3,881 posts) Bio
| Reply #107 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 07:34 PM (UTC) |
Twisol said: I also gave you a clear use case, which has implications stretching far beyond the simple (yet still very useful) example involving hooking into a button click.
Not really. You said (basically) "here's a case where we can stick functions inside tables". What I want is a case where it really doesn't make any sense to do otherwise. (Coming up with situations where we "can" do this-or-that is easy and uninteresting.)
Fadedparadox said: I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but this is a function I'd make accessible to additional plugins.
Maybe it's that I don't understand the bigger picture here, but I don't see why this has to be a function inside of a table as opposed to a function invoked with the table as an argument.
To be clear here again, the point of my comments is not that it's dumb to put functions in tables or anything like that. In fact, it makes a huge amount of sense for all kinds of reasons. My issue is with what should be done at the cross-plugin interface. |
David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #108 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 07:45 PM (UTC) |
| Alright. It doesn't make sense, or at least is less clear and more typing, to create a singular method for every operation you can execute on a widget and require some ID for the widget you want to be modified to be passed to each one. Strictly speaking, my use-case makes it feasible and intuitive to give object proxies to a user. This is absolutely a case when you -should- stick functions inside tables.
Some theoretical example code (only theoretical because I haven't written it yet)
dialog = plugin.GetWidget("dialog")
ok = dialog.GetChild("button_ok")
cancel = dialog.GetChild("button_cancel")
function ButtonOK()
print("You clicked OK")
function ButtonCancel()
print("You clicked Cancel")
ok.Bind("mouseup", ButtonOK)
cancel.Bind("mouseup", ButtonCancel)
David Haley said: To be clear here again, the point of my comments is not that it's dumb to put functions in tables or anything like that. In fact, it makes a huge amount of sense for all kinds of reasons. My issue is with what should be done at the cross-plugin interface.
To me, the interface should be able to deal with whatever personal preference the user might have. Some people like to put things in tables out of habit, as a namespacing mechanism. Other times you might have a resource, and construct a proxy object with some methods, and make the resource available via an upvalue. It just makes things so much easier and clearer to have these options, rather than be restricted to non-local, non-tabled, non-closured (i.e. just vanilla global) functions. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #109 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 07:57 PM (UTC) |
Fadedparadox said:
I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but this is a function I'd make accessible to additional plugins. ...
I think the whole idea of the PPI script is to make functions available to additional plugins. However what I think David and Twisol are arguing about is *passing* functions to plugins, as arguments to another function. Maybe I'm wrong about that.
As a real-world example, say you have a status-bar plugin, and on the status bar you want to show if you are in a battle or not (eg. draw the border in red). However the status-bar plugin does not know if it is in a battle. So it calls a "battle" plugin asking to be notified when battles stop or start.
function OnStartBattle ()
DrawBorder "red"
function OnStopBattle ()
DrawBorder "black"
-- call other plugin
battle_plugin.NotifyMeOfBattles (OnStartBattle, OnStopBattle)
Now the function NotifyMeOfBattles (in the other plugin) calls back into the first plugin at the start and the end of a battle. I can see the use of this.
However as I mentioned a few pages back, which seems to have been ignored, another way of doing that is simply to have the battle plugin do a BroadcastPlugin call to tell *all* plugins (whether or not they are interested) that a battle has stopped or started.
Or, using the notify paradigm, you can pass the *names* of callbacks, like this:
function OnStartBattle ()
DrawBorder "red"
function OnStopBattle ()
DrawBorder "black"
-- call other plugin
ppi.Expose ("OnStartBattle")
ppi.Expose ("OnStopBattle")
battle_plugin.NotifyMeOfBattles ("OnStartBattle", "OnStopBattle")
This second technique first exposes the callback functions as ones available to be called back into this function, and then calls them by name (effectively, passing a string rather than a function). This is much more language-neutral.
For that matter, BroadcastPlugin is language-neutral too. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| David Haley
USA (3,881 posts) Bio
| Reply #110 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 08:03 PM (UTC) |
Quote: Alright. It doesn't make sense, or at least is less clear and more typing, to create a singular method for every operation you can execute on a widget and require some ID for the widget you want to be modified to be passed to each one. Strictly speaking, my use-case makes it feasible and intuitive to give object proxies to a user. This is absolutely a case when you -should- stick functions inside tables.
Some theoretical example code (only theoretical because I haven't written it yet)
I don't understand what this is trying to show me. I'm also not at all convinced that it makes sense to separate things by plugins as opposed to normal modules.
Anyhow, this doesn't seem unreasonable to me:
function ButtonOK()
print("You clicked OK")
plugin.BindEvent(plugin.GetWidget("dialog", "button_ok"), "mouseup", "ButtonOK")
where GetWidget is a function that takes a list of names, and uses them as a sequence of children. So GetWidget("a", "b") would be getting the child "b" of widget "a".
It would need to be understood that the return value of GetWidget is something that the plugin can use as a widget identifier. (This is the plugin's responsibility, completely separate from PPI.)
This lets us accomplish the same thing with far simpler language constructs. No need for fancy metatables, making things callable, moving functions around, blablabla. And IMHO it would be difficult to argue that the syntax is bad, either.
Quote: To me, the interface should be able to deal with whatever personal preference the user might have.
Go write some Perl code, or worse yet PHP, for a while, and see how happy you are with the idea that everybody's preferences, that every style of writing code should be accommodated. :-) |
David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #111 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 08:14 PM (UTC) |
| Again, it's not separation, it's collaboration. The core plugin can do stuff on its own, but third-party plugins can hook into it automatically and provide extra functionality.
No, that's not unreasonable, but I do find it limiting. You have to expose a method for every potential operation at the plugin level, when it makes more sense (to me) to provide a literal object that contains them for you. Nothing in PPI prevents you from doing it the way you showed, mind you, but I think mine is more natural. Everything can be accomplished with the basic building blocks, but the whole idea is to build those into something better and easier to use.
And nobody said anything about metatables. Unless you mean the PPI_meta table and __index? How else would we save the name (or in my case, get the function ID) and store it for later use?
As for Perl/PHP, yes, I've had some experience with those. This is nothing like that kind of "please everyone" thing. I'm being no more lenient (and only very slightly less lenient) than Lua itself. Lua-centric? Sure, a bit. But my lenience also makes it easier for other languages to interface with PPI with their own constructs, whatever they might be. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| David Haley
USA (3,881 posts) Bio
| Reply #112 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 08:24 PM (UTC) |
Quote: You have to expose a method for every potential operation at the plugin level, when it makes more sense (to me) to provide a literal object that contains them for you.
I find it more useful to use objective metrics, like:
(1) what is the "expressive power" of an interface (i.e., are there some things that you simply cannot do -- and this is functionality, not style)
(2) how difficult is this "expression" (number of API calls, number of characters, etc., are all proxies for this, although they should all be taken with a grain of salt)
(3) how many functions it takes under the hood to implement all the stuff ('complexity' of the library)
Arguing about what is "natural" is a never-ending discussion where we might as well ask who prefers vanilla over chocolate. :-/
Quote: And nobody said anything about metatables. Unless you mean the PPI_meta table and __index? How else would we save the name (or in my case, get the function ID) and store it for later use?
Well, in your example, you indeed have no choice other than to set up metatables so that things like dialog.getChild("foo") will work. My example requires no metatables at all other than for "plugin", and even that can be easily removed.
Quote: This is nothing like that kind of "please everyone" thing.
I don't understand what you meant then when you said that every user's personal preference should be handled by the interface.
Quote: But my lenience also makes it easier for other languages to interface with PPI with their own constructs, whatever they might be.
What is your basis for making this claim? Have you looked at what cross-language communication entails, and how your solution makes things much easier than other proposals? |
David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #113 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 08:39 PM (UTC) |
| Sorry, Nick, I missed this post on accident!
Nick Gammon said:
Fadedparadox said:
I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but this is a function I'd make accessible to additional plugins. ...
I think the whole idea of the PPI script is to make functions available to additional plugins. However what I think David and Twisol are arguing about is *passing* functions to plugins, as arguments to another function. Maybe I'm wrong about that.
I think it's more about passing functions in general; the pass-by-name suggestion David had unfortunately leaves out local functions, table functions, and closures. (Remember, all of these are represented by the same exact thing on the client side, it's the service that actually deals with the function call.)
Nick Gammon said: However as I mentioned a few pages back, which seems to have been ignored, another way of doing that is simply to have the battle plugin do a BroadcastPlugin call to tell *all* plugins (whether or not they are interested) that a battle has stopped or started.
I did give my reasons for why I thought this way was better. One is that it allows you to map incoming messages directly to functions, which does away with the if-else ladders to check ID and message. Another is, of course, the inherent rich type-passing that PPI implements.
Nick Gammon said:Or, using the notify paradigm, you can pass the *names* of callbacks, like this:
function OnStartBattle ()
DrawBorder "red"
function OnStopBattle ()
DrawBorder "black"
-- call other plugin
ppi.Expose ("OnStartBattle")
ppi.Expose ("OnStopBattle")
battle_plugin.NotifyMeOfBattles ("OnStartBattle", "OnStopBattle")
This second technique first exposes the callback functions as ones available to be called back into this function, and then calls them by name (effectively, passing a string rather than a function). This is much more language-neutral.
I don't agree with that, to be honest. As I mentioned, passing by name requires that the function be available through _G, which locks out locals, closures, and table entries. Passing identifiers, or messages if you prefer to call them that, is in fact no different than BroadcastPlugin. As BroadcastPlugin and OnPluginBroadcast can do it in any language, it should be quite possible to implement in any language. Again, they aren't functions precisely, they are operations or messages.
Nick Gammon said: For that matter, BroadcastPlugin is language-neutral too.
Indeed - my PPI is quite similar except for the points I mentioned earlier in the post. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #114 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 08:52 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 22 Jan 2010 08:53 PM (UTC) by Twisol
David Haley said:
Quote: You have to expose a method for every potential operation at the plugin level, when it makes more sense (to me) to provide a literal object that contains them for you.
I find it more useful to use objective metrics, like:
(1) what is the "expressive power" of an interface (i.e., are there some things that you simply cannot do -- and this is functionality, not style)
(2) how difficult is this "expression" (number of API calls, number of characters, etc., are all proxies for this, although they should all be taken with a grain of salt)
(3) how many functions it takes under the hood to implement all the stuff ('complexity' of the library)
Arguing about what is "natural" is a never-ending discussion where we might as well ask who prefers vanilla over chocolate. :-/
I go by feel and intuition, with a good helping of imaginative forethought/critical thinking. That probably says more than anything else about our disagreements.
David Haley said:
Quote: And nobody said anything about metatables. Unless you mean the PPI_meta table and __index? How else would we save the name (or in my case, get the function ID) and store it for later use?
Well, in your example, you indeed have no choice other than to set up metatables so that things like dialog.getChild("foo") will work. My example requires no metatables at all other than for "plugin", and even that can be easily removed.
This is a good point. I could just assign the methods I want into the proxy table, which is what I was thinking of initially, but... Hmm. I don't think it's a pressing issue - it would be more the thing the plugin author has to design around - but it's something to keep in mind for sure.
David Haley said:
Quote: This is nothing like that kind of "please everyone" thing.
I don't understand what you meant then when you said that every user's personal preference should be handled by the interface.
I meant to have emphasis on "that kind". It is similar, but I am no more lenient than the language itself. My point is that I am also not so strict that the interface becomes some kind of neutered API. (not to imply yours is, I'm just saying.)
David Haley said:
Quote: But my lenience also makes it easier for other languages to interface with PPI with their own constructs, whatever they might be.
What is your basis for making this claim? Have you looked at what cross-language communication entails, and how your solution makes things much easier than other proposals?
Yes, I believe I have, and I've given several examples of how other languages (in particular VBScript) can easily implement a PPI interface. I've also explained that using serialize.lua makes it more difficult for another language to parse and translate. My protocol specifically uses Array*() methods to create the translated data, so the only thing the implementation really has to do is figure out what type the data should be sent as. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| David Haley
USA (3,881 posts) Bio
| Reply #115 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 09:02 PM (UTC) |
Quote: I go by feel and intuition, with a good helping of imaginative forethought/critical thinking. That probably says more than anything else about our disagreements.
I'm going to assume that you didn't mean I don't use forethought or critical thinking. :-P
I don't mean any offense at all here, but I think it's hard to argue for core modules on a particular person's feelings; objective metrics are at least "fair". (And if you don't like the objective metrics I proposed, you are definitely encouraged to post others.) Surely you agree that in order to have any useful discussion, we must be basing our judgments on criteria we share. There's really no point in discussing the CS equivalent of vanilla vs. chocolate.
Quote: My point is that I am also not so strict that the interface becomes some kind of neutered API. (not to imply yours is, I'm just saying.)
The best APIs are the ones that impose a very clear policy which restricts usage just enough that it's obvious how to do the very common things, and still possible to do rather unusual things. Flexibility always comes at a cost (if anything, it becomes more confusing to do things if you have to figure out which of several options is appropriate).
Quote: Yes, I believe I have, and I've given several examples of how other languages (in particular VBScript) can easily implement a PPI interface.
But VBScript has no notion of function values, so all the arguments made about things being "natural" in Lua do not apply at all. The PPI interface would look dramatically different. This is a loss of consistency. It's not just that function calls look different in different languages; it's that the entire approach to a problem changes even though the claim is made that it's all nominally language-neutral.
Mind you, I'm quite sympathetic to the idea that a crappy language like VBScript shouldn't drive down nicer languages. But, we're talking about cross-language development here, so we're a little restricted in how much we can ignore that crappiness. |
David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #116 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 09:04 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 22 Jan 2010 09:05 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
Twisol said:
I don't agree with that, to be honest. As I mentioned, passing by name requires that the function be available through _G, which locks out locals, closures, and table entries.
Well the function in _G can be a closure. I used that idea a bit in the module that lets you move windows around. Just to explain what I mean, this is the general idea:
function make_closure (f, colour)
return function ()
f (colour)
end -- inner function
end -- make_closure
OnStartBattle = make_closure (DrawBorder, "red")
OnStopBattle = make_closure (DrawBorder, "black")
ppi.Expose ("OnStartBattle")
ppi.Expose ("OnStopBattle")
The function make_closure actually creates two closures (functions closed with respect to their local variables), even though they are the same core function.
This effectively gives us a OnStartBattle and OnStopBattle functions which "remember" which colour to draw the border in. (I admit these are both in the global namespace in this case).
In any case, assuming you want to be able to call unnamed functions, the PPI module I proposed as an alternative supports that, as in:
-- Or, for anonymous functions:
ppi.Expose ("DoSomethingElse", function () print "hello" end)
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #117 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 09:14 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 22 Jan 2010 09:19 PM (UTC) by Twisol
| True, but you might want to keep a list of closures (i.e. in a table), and you can't really give each one an entry in _G too. I mean, you could, but it really litters the global space, which is why you (okay, me and fadedparadox at least) generally use tables/arrays for namespacing.
True, your version does allow it because it works by key rather than by function name - you're actually storing the value, just like mine. Mine makes everything pass through PPI_REQUEST (yes, I need to change that to INVOKE) instead, so that you only have three global PPI functions (access, invoke, cleanup) rather than as many as the number of functions you exposed. However, I still think your version is somewhat less polished, no offense intended. Mine works in pretty much the same way (barring serialize.lua, and I explained why I went my own way there), except I've generalized the concept (using the same building blocks) to allow access to non-function values through the PPI. I also don't think serialize.lua will handle function parameters properly, so you can't pass function callbacks as you can in mine. Please correct me if I'm wrong! |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #118 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 09:27 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 22 Jan 2010 09:28 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| serialize.lua doesn't handle functions at all.
[EDIT] I doubt you would want to. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #119 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 09:36 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 22 Jan 2010 09:37 PM (UTC) by Twisol
Nick Gammon said:
serialize.lua doesn't handle functions at all.
[EDIT] I doubt you would want to.
That's kind of what I meant. You have to pass a reference to the function, just like the PPI-exposed functions do, so to speak - each of yours is stored and kept with an associated identifier. If you want to pass a function between plugins, and have it do what you expect, you have to pass an identifier or use one it already has (the 'name' doesn't cut it because it leaves out so many kinds of functions just based on where they're defined), and pass that identifier in lieu of the function itself. That's what my PPI does, to allow function passing/returning, which in turn makes it much easier to work with the asynchronous callback/notification technique.
For what it's worth, you might want to pass a closure to be used as an async-callback function, too. You'd have a specific item out of many that you want to affect when the event occurs, and make it the upvalue to your closure. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
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