Script function
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Make a note in the output window from text with ANSI colour codes imbedded
void AnsiNote(BSTR Text);
View list of data type meanings
Sends "Text" to the output window, changing colour, bold, underline etc. if it gets ANSI sequences in the text. ANSI sequences are things like ESC [ 30 m. You can use the ANSI function to set them up.
AnsiNote saves the current world note colour, and restores it afterwards, so that any colour changes do not persist to subsequent note lines.
The ANSI sequences defined in the ANSI function will be recognised.
WARNING: Bold italic, and underlined styles will only be visible if the appropriate configurations are enabled in the world Appearance: Output configuration. Otherwise they will be ignored (the same as for text arriving from the MUD).
Available in MUSHclient version 3.37 onwards.
VBscript example
AnsiNote ANSI (32) & ANSI (1) & ANSI (43) & _
"This is bold green text on a yellow background"
Jscript example
AnsiNote (ANSI (32) + ANSI (1) + ANSI (43) +
"This is bold green text on a yellow background");
PerlScript example
AnsiNote (ANSI (32) . ANSI (1) . ANSI (43) .
"This is bold green text on a yellow background");
Python example
world.AnsiNote (world.ANSI (32) + world.ANSI (1) + world.ANSI (43) +
"This is bold green text on a yellow background")
Lua example
AnsiNote (ANSI (32, 1, 43),
"This is bold green text on a yellow background")
Lua notes
You can supply multiple arguments, which are concatenated together.
Return value
See Also ...
(ANSI) Generates an ANSI colour sequence
(ChatNote) Does a note using ANSI codes for the chat system
(ColourNote) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours
(DoAfterNote) Adds a one-shot, temporary note timer - simplified interface
(GetNoteStyle) Gets the style for notes
(Hyperlink) Creates a hyperlink in the output window
(Note) Sends a note to the output window
(NoteHr) Draws a horizontal rule in the output window
(NoteStyle) Sets the style for notes
(SetNotes) Sets the notes for the world.
(StripANSI) Strips ANSI colour sequences from a string
(Tell) Sends a message to the output window - not terminated by a newline
(Help topic: function=AnsiNote)