Script function
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Sets the style for notes
void NoteStyle(short Style);
View list of data type meanings
This sets the text style for world.note and similar functions.
The styles are 1 bit each, which can be added or OR'ed together.
The style bits are:
1 = bold
2 = underline
4 = blink (italic)
8 = inverse
32 = strike-through
NoteStyle (0) resets to normal style.
NoteStyle (1) would be bold.
NoteStyle (3) would be bold and underlined.
Styles are reset to normal when a newline is processed, so if you want to have bold/italic etc. over multiple lines you would need to do the NoteStyle at the start of each line.
You can also use AnsiNote to output styled text.
WARNING: Bold italic, and underlined styles will only be visible if the appropriate configurations are enabled in the world Appearance: Output configuration. Otherwise they will be ignored (the same as for text arriving from the MUD).
Available in MUSHclient version 3.42 onwards.
VBscript example
NoteStyle 5 ' bold italic
Note "hello"
Jscript example
NoteStyle (5); // bold italic
Note ("hello");
PerlScript example
NoteStyle (5) # bold italic
Note ("hello")
Python example
NoteStyle (5) # bold italic
Note ("hello")
Lua example
NoteStyle (5) -- bold italic
Note ("hello")
Return value
See Also ...
(AnsiNote) Make a note in the output window from text with ANSI colour codes imbedded
(ColourNote) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours
(ColourTell) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours - not terminated by a newline
(DoAfterNote) Adds a one-shot, temporary note timer - simplified interface
(GetNoteStyle) Gets the style for notes
(Hyperlink) Creates a hyperlink in the output window
(Note) Sends a note to the output window
(NoteHr) Draws a horizontal rule in the output window
(SetNotes) Sets the notes for the world.
(Tell) Sends a message to the output window - not terminated by a newline
(Help topic: function=NoteStyle)