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There are various script functions for making notes to yourself in the output window.

You can also set triggers, aliases and timers to "send to output" which will send the "send text" to the output window (effectively doing a note).

Notes can be in the default "world note" colour, or you can use scripts to make notes in any colour.

See Also ...


(AnsiNote) Make a note in the output window from text with ANSI colour codes imbedded
(DoAfterNote) Adds a one-shot, temporary note timer - simplified interface
(GetNoteStyle) Gets the style for notes
(Hyperlink) Creates a hyperlink in the output window
(Note) Sends a note to the output window
(NoteHr) Draws a horizontal rule in the output window
(NoteStyle) Sets the style for notes
(SetNotes) Sets the notes for the world.
(Tell) Sends a message to the output window - not terminated by a newline

(Help topic: general=note)

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