Script function
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Converts a named colour to a RGB colour code.
long ColourNameToRGB(BSTR Name);
View list of data type meanings
Converts a named colour (eg. "brown") to an RGB colour code (eg. 2763429).
The colours can either be named (eg. "red", "blue", "green", "brown") or supplied as HTML colour codes (eg. "#010203"). For HTML colours, the leading "#" is required.
The list of colour names recognised can be found by using MUSHclient's "colour picker" (Ctrl+Alt+P), or by using the function:
world.Debug "colours"
Converts an RGB colour code (eg. 255) to its HTML name (eg. "red").
If the name is not in the list of names recognised by MUSHclient, the colour is represented as a hex HTML colour (eg. "#010203").
The list of colour names recognised can be found by using MUSHclient's "colour picker" (Ctrl+Alt+P), or by using the function:
world.Debug "colours"
Note that the RGB colour code is internally in the form BBGGRR. In other words:
print (string.format ("%06X", ColourNameToRGB ("red"))) --> 0000FF
The value for red is in the low-order byte, green is in the middle byte, and blue is in the high-order byte. This is the opposite to the order used in HTML colour codes, where the order is: #RRGGBB
Available in MUSHclient version 3.22 onwards.
VBscript example
world.note world.colourNameToRGB ("brown")
Jscript example
world.note (world.colourNameToRGB ("brown"));
PerlScript example
$world->note ($world->colourNameToRGB ("brown"));
Python example
world.note (world.colourNameToRGB ("brown"))
Lua example
Note (ColourNameToRGB ("brown"))
Return value
The RGB code of the converted colour, or -1 if the colour name is not recognised. Note that -1 cannot be an RGB colour (-1 is the hex sequence 0xFFFFFFFF, whereas the "highest" colour (white) is hex 0x00FFFFFF).
See Also ...
Colour management
Default triggers/aliases/timers/macros/colours
(AdjustColour) Adjust an RGB colour
(ANSI) Generates an ANSI colour sequence
(BoldColour) Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI bold colours
(ColourNote) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours
(ColourTell) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours - not terminated by a newline
(CustomColourBackground) Sets the RGB value for the background of a custom colour
(CustomColourText) Sets the RGB value for the text of a custom colour
(Debug) Displays debugging information about the world
(GetCustomColourName) Gets the name of a custom colour
(GetMapColour) Returns the mapping for how a particular colour will be displayed
(MapColour) Changes the colour mapping - the way colours are displayed
(MapColourList) Returns an array of all the mapped colours
(NormalColour) Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI normal colours
(NoteColour) Chooses which custom colour will be used for world notes.
(NoteColourBack) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - background colour
(NoteColourFore) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text colour
(NoteColourName) Chooses which RGB colour name will be used for world notes - text and background
(NoteColourRGB) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text and background
(PickColour) Invokes the MUSHclient colour picker dialog
(RGBColourToName) Converts an RGB colour code to its equivalent name
(SetCustomColourName) Sets the name of a custom colour
(Help topic: function=ColourNameToRGB)