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Script function


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Invokes the MUSHclient colour picker dialog


long PickColour(long Suggested);

View list of data type meanings


This lets you call the MUSHclient colour picker from within a script. Note that doing this will pause script execution while the dialog is active, and is not recommended for scripts that should run to completion quickly.


newcolour = PickColour (254)

You supply an existing colour as the starting point, or -1 if none is required, and the function returns the chosen colour, or -1 if the dialog was cancelled. Note that -1 is not a valid colour.

Available in MUSHclient version 3.22 onwards.

VBscript example

newcolour = PickColour (255)

Jscript example

newcolour = PickColour (255);

PerlScript example

newcolour  = $world->PickColour (255)

Python example

newcolour = world.PickColour (255);

Lua example

newcolour = PickColour (255)

Return value

The chosen colour, or -1 if the dialog box was dismissed.

See Also ...


Colour management
Default triggers/aliases/timers/macros/colours


(AdjustColour) Adjust an RGB colour
(ANSI) Generates an ANSI colour sequence
(BoldColour) Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI bold colours
(ColourNameToRGB) Converts a named colour to a RGB colour code.
(ColourNote) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours
(ColourTell) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours - not terminated by a newline
(CustomColourBackground) Sets the RGB value for the background of a custom colour
(CustomColourText) Sets the RGB value for the text of a custom colour
(Debug) Displays debugging information about the world
(GetCustomColourName) Gets the name of a custom colour
(GetMapColour) Returns the mapping for how a particular colour will be displayed
(MapColour) Changes the colour mapping - the way colours are displayed
(MapColourList) Returns an array of all the mapped colours
(NormalColour) Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI normal colours
(NoteColour) Chooses which custom colour will be used for world notes.
(NoteColourBack) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - background colour
(NoteColourFore) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text colour
(NoteColourName) Chooses which RGB colour name will be used for world notes - text and background
(NoteColourRGB) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text and background
(RGBColourToName) Converts an RGB colour code to its equivalent name
(SetCustomColourName) Sets the name of a custom colour

(Help topic: function=PickColour)

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