Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| The plugin below uses the new telnet subnegotiation built into recent version of MUSHclient to intercept ATCP messages from IRE MUDs such as Achaea.
Simply install it, and it will do a BroadcastPlugin when various messages are detected. These can be picked up by other plugins (such as experience bars, health bars, mappers).
To save and install the ATCP_NJG plugin do this:
- Copy between the lines below (to the Clipboard)
- Open a text editor (such as Notepad) and paste the plugin into it
- Save to disk on your PC, preferably in your plugins directory, as ATCP_NJG.xml
- Go to the MUSHclient File menu -> Plugins
- Click "Add"
- Choose the file ATCP_NJG.xml (which you just saved in step 3) as a plugin
- Click "Close"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Nick Gammon's ATCP plugin"
date_written="2010-03-09 10:04:32"
<description trim="y">
Install into IRE games to catch ATCP messages.
Other plugins can detect ATCP messages like this:
function OnPluginBroadcast (msg, id, name, text)
if id == "85f72d0e263d75df7bde6f00" then
if msg == 1 then
do_ATCP_vitals (text) -- eg. "H:496/496 M:412/412 E:1380/1380 W:960/960 NL:89/100 "
-- health mana endurance willpower experience
elseif msg == 2 then
do_ATCP_room_brief (text) -- eg. "Continuing on the Parade of Zarathustra"
elseif msg == 3 then
do_ATCP_room_exit (text) -- eg. "n,s"
elseif msg == 4 then
do_ATCP_room_number (text) -- eg. "401"
end -- if
end -- if ATCP message
<!-- Script -->
local CLIENT_ID = "MUSHclient " .. Version ()
local IAC, SB, SE, DO = 0xFF, 0xFA, 0xF0, 0xFD
local ATCP = 200
-- agree to use ATCP
function OnPluginTelnetRequest (type, data)
if type == ATCP and data == "WILL" then
return true
end -- if
if type == ATCP and data == "SENT_DO" then
Note ("Enabling ATCP.")
SendPkt (string.char (IAC, SB, ATCP) ..
"hello " .. CLIENT_ID .. "\n" ..
"auth 1\n" ..
"char_name 1\n" ..
"char_vitals 1\n" ..
"room_brief 1\n" ..
"room_exits 1" ..
string.char (IAC, SE))
return true
end -- if ATCP login needed (just sent DO)
return false
end -- function OnPluginTelnetRequest
-- we got authorization request, eg.
-- Auth.Request CH\n<identstr>
-- Auth.Request ON
function got_auth_request (s)
-- calculate challenge response
local function atcp_auth (seed)
local a = 17
local i = 0
local n
for letter in string.gmatch (seed, ".") do
n = string.byte (letter) - 96
if (i, 1) == 0 then -- even/odd?
a = a + n * bit.bor (i, 13)
a = a - n * bit.bor (i, 11)
end -- if
i = i + 1
end -- for
return a
if s:upper () == "ON" then
Note ("ATCP authorization accepted.")
end -- if
local identstr = string.match (s, "^CH\n(.+)$")
if identstr then
SendPkt (string.char (IAC, SB, ATCP) ..
"auth " ..
tostring (atcp_auth (identstr)) ..
" " .. CLIENT_ID ..
string.char (IAC, SE))
end -- if
end -- got_auth_request
function got_vitals (s) -- eg. "H:496/496 M:412/412 E:1380/1380 W:960/960 NL:89/100"
BroadcastPlugin (1, s)
end -- got_vitals
function got_room_brief (s) -- eg. "Continuing on the Parade of Zarathustra"
BroadcastPlugin (2, s)
end -- got_room_brief
function got_room_exits (s) -- eg. "n,s"
BroadcastPlugin (3, s)
end -- got_room_exits
function got_room_number (s) -- eg. "441"
BroadcastPlugin (4, s)
end -- got_room_number
handlers = {
['Auth.Request'] = got_auth_request, -- handled here
['Room.Num'] = got_room_number,
['Room.Brief'] = got_room_brief,
['Room.Exits'] = got_room_exits,
['Char.Vitals'] = got_vitals,
} -- end handlers
function OnPluginTelnetSubnegotiation (type, option)
if type ~= ATCP then
end -- not Achaea subnegotiation
local command, args = string.match (option, "^([%a.]+)%s+(.*)$")
if not command then
end -- don't seem to have a command
local f = handlers [command]
if f then
f (args) -- call handler
BroadcastPlugin (0, option) -- other, just send whole message
end -- handler
end -- function OnPluginTelnetSubnegotiation
- Nick Gammon, | Top |