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➜ Achaea's built-in map system.
Achaea's built-in map system.
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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #15 on Fri 09 Apr 2010 11:45 PM (UTC) |
| Ah I see Twisol's mapper does indeed have a trigger that matches on anything. So somehow that is probably not turning off.
Maybe you changed your prompt or something, and the mapper expects a prompt. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #16 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 12:02 AM (UTC) |
Nick Gammon said: Ah I see Twisol's mapper does indeed have a trigger that matches on anything. So somehow that is probably not turning off.
Correct, it's a sandwich-style setup. Matches the beginning, the end, and anything in-between. It should turn off after the end of the map, and I haven't seen any changes to the map-end line myself. It still works for me, too.
Speaking of which... Windmill Man, what's your map width/height? Try setting it to MAP RADIUS 5. I doubt that will do much, but here's hoping.
Quote: Maybe you changed your prompt or something, and the mapper expects a prompt.
If only it was that simple... I had him post his prompt already, and it matches what I expect. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Windmill_Man
USA (29 posts) Bio
| Reply #17 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 12:22 AM (UTC) |
| Hmm... I thought I tried disabling all plugins besides the mapwindow and the ATCP plugin. To make sure, I tried it again. It was messing up like it has been at first... then I tried reinstalling it and it was working like it should. Then I decided to try enabling all plugins I had (besides Nick's mapper, of course) and it's still working. I don't know if it'll quit working... but it's working now. I don't know what's going on... but I guess I'll see what happens.
I have had my map radius at 5. | Top |
Posted by
| Windmill_Man
USA (29 posts) Bio
| Reply #18 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 12:38 AM (UTC) Amended on Sat 10 Apr 2010 01:11 AM (UTC) by Windmill_Man
| Ah... the plot thickens! The places I was in that was giving me hell... was the Chrysalis Basilica in Shallam and Shastaan. I haven't been many other places... but I notice that as soon as I enter one of those two places. the mapwindow gags everything. I didn't know it was the particular place I was in that was doing it. apparently that's why the plugin was working for me just a minute ago... I wasn't in either of these two places. There's probably more places that have an effect... but I don't get around much, so don't know. This changes everything. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #19 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 12:40 AM (UTC) |
| Well turn the mapper off, and then copy and paste the normal map (the thing the trigger is matching on) so Twisol can see what it might be. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Windmill_Man
USA (29 posts) Bio
| Reply #20 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 01:21 AM (UTC) |
| Well. The output from MAP doesn't seem any different than normal MAP outputs:
Note: This is the first room in the Chrysalis Basilica that does it.
--- Area 19: Shallam ------------------------
| | |
| | |
| | |
[ ]- - -[ ]- - -[ ]- - -[ ]-
| | |
| | |
| | |
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
--- A light-filled vestibule ----- 0:-8:0 ---
I decided to post the output from LOOK as well:
A light-filled vestibule.
This room is bathed with light, allowing natural luminance to pour in from
huge, glass panes set into the ceiling. Giant pillars of white marble rise from
the floor to meet them, supporting the chamber yet still artfully placed to
enhance the light. The polished floor has a similar effect, vaguely reflecting
its surroundings, though a central design breaks the smooth, mirrored surface.
Formed from clear glass, it appears to have shattered in a spiral pattern, yet
some force deliberately preserves the delicate cracks therein. The four tenets
of the church are scribed around it, gold writing out the words strength,
faith, integrity, and spirit. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.
Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil.
You see exits leading north and south (open door).
I'll post the results from Shastaan in a minute.
| Top |
Posted by
| Windmill_Man
USA (29 posts) Bio
| Reply #21 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 01:30 AM (UTC) |
| Ok. This is from the first room in Shastaan that does it:
--- Area 33: The Southern Wilderness --------
\ \ \ |
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
| \ / /
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
| | | |
[S]-[S]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-
| | |
[ ] [@] [S]
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]
-[ ]-[_]-[+]
--- Well-used track --------------- 2:0:0 ---
And the LOOK output as well:
Well-used track (road).
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. This
path twists and winds through the changing landscape. By the look of the
vegetation this path is well used, both by animals and people. Smoke from the
village Shastaan hangs in the air. Crickets chirp in the grass at your feet and
butterflies flutter from wildflower to wildflower, drinking the sweet nectar.
An ornate fishing pole of dark-hued wood lies here, separated from its creator.
You see exits leading northeast and west.
It seems to react within the entire area of Shastaan, but with the Basilica it seems to only react with certain rooms. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #22 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 02:16 AM (UTC) Amended on Sat 10 Apr 2010 02:18 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| Well I think I found it, sigh.
In the file reflexes/map.lua are these lines:
trigger["coordline"] {
match = [[^\-+(?: [A-Za-z'"-_ ]+ )?(?:\-+)?(?: -?\d+:-?\d+:-?\d+ )\-+$]],
enabled = false,
regexp = true,
group = "parsemap",
However this is wrong on two counts ...
- The " shouldn't be there - this isn't XML
- The hyphen in the regexp should have \ in front of it
The sequence ";-_" in the regexp is matching any character between ";" and "_" (but not matching the hyphen - that means "between this and that"). The room name "Well-used track" has a hyphen in it.
Change it to read:
trigger["coordline"] {
match = [[^\-+(?: [A-Za-z'"\-_ ]+ )?(?:\-+)?(?: -?\d+:-?\d+:-?\d+ )\-+$]],
enabled = false,
regexp = true,
group = "parsemap",
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #23 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 02:17 AM (UTC) Amended on Sat 10 Apr 2010 02:22 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
Windmill_Man said:
It seems to react within the entire area of Shastaan, but with the Basilica it seems to only react with certain rooms.
Rooms with hyphens in the name perhaps? Like your two examples? Or with quotes in the names? |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Windmill_Man
USA (29 posts) Bio
| Reply #24 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 02:53 AM (UTC) |
| Works like a charm! Turns out there's more than one room in Shastaan named "Well-used track (road)". Many thanks to both of you!
I'm sorry if this ordeal was a bother... | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #25 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 03:10 AM (UTC) |
| Ah, I don't think the regexp will pick up brackets. Might need to change it to:
match = [[^\-+(?: [A-Za-z'"\-_ \(\)]+ )?(?:\-+)?(?: -?\d+:-?\d+:-?\d+ )\-+$]],
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #26 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 03:18 AM (UTC) |
| Oops! Excellent catch(es), Nick! It used to be XML, but I ported it to use my Reflex library instead.
Windmill Man: Not an ordeal at all, I'm glad we figured out what was wrong. I'll go fix the pattern and re-upload so nobody else has to deal with this. :) |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Windmill_Man
USA (29 posts) Bio
| Reply #27 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 03:21 AM (UTC) |
| Well. It was working fine, but I'll go ahead and change it just to make sure. Thanks again! | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #28 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 03:45 AM (UTC) |
Windmill_Man said:
Well. It was working fine, but I'll go ahead and change it just to make sure. Thanks again!
Oh, no, I haven't updated it yet *laughs*. I didn't mean I wanted you to update, you've already got it patched thanks to Nick. I just wanted to make a note that I'd be uploading a fix for anyone who wants to use it in the future. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Windmill_Man
USA (29 posts) Bio
| Reply #29 on Sat 10 Apr 2010 04:01 AM (UTC) |
| I was replying to Nick's last post actually. *grin* | Top |
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