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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Bug reports ➜ WindowResize() doesn't set the background color.

WindowResize() doesn't set the background color.

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Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Tue 24 Aug 2010 07:05 AM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 24 Aug 2010 07:08 AM (UTC) by Twisol

WindowResize() doesn't set the window's background color like WindowCreate() does, it just uses it in case the new size is bigger. This confused me for a good long while, because I'm trying to use WindowResize() to change the window's background color (for on-the-fly changing of the transparency color when that flag is set).

The background color is now one of the only things you can't change on the fly (with the notable exception of most hotspot callbacks). As far as I can tell, it's a one-liner change:

m_iBackgroundColour = BackgroundColour;

[EDIT] For the sake of completeness, this is what I'm doing:

WindowAPI.ColorKey = function(win, color)
  local x, y = WindowInfo(win._id, 1), WindowInfo(win._id, 2)
  local width, height = WindowInfo(win._id, 3), WindowInfo(win._id, 4)
  local pos, flags = WindowInfo(win._id, 7), WindowInfo(win._id, 8)
  -- (Un)set the transparency flag
  if color then
    flags = bit.bor(4, flags)
    flags =, flags)
    color = 0
  WindowPosition(win._id, x, y, pos, flags)
  return WindowResize(win._id, width, height, color)

I thought I'd try again at a generic miniwindow library, with my expectations set somewhat lower than before. :P

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 07:18 AM (UTC)
It's not a bug, it's by design.

I had that line there, and then I hit "delete".

After all:

  • Resizing a window should not necessarily change its background colour. In fact if you are using the "transparent" flag (4) then you may be surprised and disconcerted if resizing the window changes the transparency.

  • What does it matter anyway? You can always set part or all of the rectangle to any colour you like. The background colour is really just the initial background before you draw to the window, effectively an "initial default". Also it is used for the transparency.

However I am prepared if this really bothers anyone to add the flag Fiendish suggested, so that WindowCreate can optionally keep hotspots. Then you can indeed remake a window keeping everything the same except the dimensions, flags, and background colour.

Twisol said:

The background color is now one of the only things you can't change on the fly ...

Or the flags.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #2 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 07:20 AM (UTC)
And to be fair, it's called WindowResize not WindowReconfigure.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 07:24 AM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 24 Aug 2010 07:25 AM (UTC) by Twisol

Nick Gammon said:
*Resizing a window should not necessarily change its background colour. In fact if you are using the "transparent" flag (4) then you may be surprised and disconcerted if resizing the window changes the transparency.

I'll grant you that, but then why can't WindowResize() use the background color provided to WindowCreate()? I -would- be happier if there was just a WindowBackground() function, anyway; you can see the hackiness in the original post to make sure I only change the pertinent parameters.

Nick Gammon said:
*What does it matter anyway? [...] Also it is used for the transparency.

Yes, exactly.

Nick Gammon said:
Or the flags.

That's what WindowPosition() is for.

long CMiniWindow::Position(long Left, long Top, 
                           short Position, 
                           long Flags) 
  m_Location.x           = Left     ;
  m_Location.y           = Top      ;
  m_iPosition            = Position ;
  m_iFlags               = Flags    ;

  return eOK;

  } // end of  CMiniWindow::Position

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Worstje   Netherlands  (899 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 07:48 AM (UTC)
Twisol said:

Nick Gammon said:
*Resizing a window should not necessarily change its background colour. In fact if you are using the "transparent" flag (4) then you may be surprised and disconcerted if resizing the window changes the transparency.

I'll grant you that, but then why can't WindowResize() use the background color provided to WindowCreate()? I -would- be happier if there was just a WindowBackground() function, anyway; you can see the hackiness in the original post to make sure I only change the pertinent parameters.

I can see situations where one might want to increase the size of their miniwindow, but not have the new area have the same shade as the background color configured for that window. On the other hand, two WindowRect() calls could fix any such color issue.

I guess I don't care either way, but I see the source of the confusion, and would tentatively support removing the transparency flag from here and using the one set in WindowCreate instead, as it only seems to clutter the API and add little functional meaning.

Twisol said:
Nick Gammon said:
*What does it matter anyway? [...] Also it is used for the transparency.

Yes, exactly.

Thanks for the chuckle. :)

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 07:56 AM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 24 Aug 2010 07:57 AM (UTC) by Twisol

Worstje said:
I can see situations where one might want to increase the size of their miniwindow, but not have the new area have the same shade as the background color configured for that window. On the other hand, two WindowRect() calls could fix any such color issue.

I'd love to hear an example. I don't doubt it could be useful, and hence it should definitely be "possible", but I don't think it's nearly so prominent that it needs something more than your suggested two WindowRectOp() calls.

Worstje said:
I guess I don't care either way, but I see the source of the confusion, and would tentatively support removing the transparency flag from here and using the one set in WindowCreate instead, as it only seems to clutter the API and add little functional meaning.

Transparency flag from where? WindowResize() doesn't have one.

[EDIT] As an aside, I've long disliked the odd color-keying transparency miniwindows employ, and I'd love to see true alpha-channel support in miniwindows.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 08:49 AM (UTC)
Twisol said:

As an aside, I've long disliked the odd color-keying transparency miniwindows employ, and I'd love to see true alpha-channel support in miniwindows.

As I think I mentioned elsewhere, that could be done, at a considerable hit for speed. Since to do that on a pixel-by-pixel alpha channel means that each each pixel has to be multiplied by the alpha channel amount, per pixel, based on the value of the original, the value of the alpha pixel, and the value of the miniwindow pixel. Multiply that by the thousands of pixels, even for a 100 x 100 pixel window, and that takes time.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 08:54 AM (UTC)
Nick Gammon said:

Twisol said:

As an aside, I've long disliked the odd color-keying transparency miniwindows employ, and I'd love to see true alpha-channel support in miniwindows.

As I think I mentioned elsewhere, that could be done, at a considerable hit for speed. Since to do that on a pixel-by-pixel alpha channel means that each each pixel has to be multiplied by the alpha channel amount, per pixel, based on the value of the original, the value of the alpha pixel, and the value of the miniwindow pixel. Multiply that by the thousands of pixels, even for a 100 x 100 pixel window, and that takes time.

Yeah, that wouldn't be a drop-in change. I suspect using DirectX instead of GDI might help a bit, though I don't know the details. If I remember right, though, the GDI API is a bit lacking in places, forcing you to use cumbersome per-pixel approaches.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #8 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 10:01 AM (UTC)
Twisol said:

Yeah, that wouldn't be a drop-in change. I suspect using DirectX instead of GDI might help a bit, though I don't know the details. If I remember right, though, the GDI API is a bit lacking in places, forcing you to use cumbersome per-pixel approaches.

Well I don't know how well it would work with Wine, or the Windows emulators under Mac, etc.

This is starting to take us into the realms of a graphical client, and I seem to recall some opposition to that in the mudstandards forum.

I mean, for showing the output of what is purely a text-based MUD (and MUDs are text, right?) then why do you really need to have alpha-channel fading in of miniwindows? WoW has that for chat channels, but the chat is transparent over a "picture" background (like, your 3D view of the world). I can't see a huge use for semi-transparent text over other text. It would be kind-of unreadable.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #9 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 10:06 AM (UTC)
Twisol said:

Nick Gammon said:
*What does it matter anyway? [...] Also it is used for the transparency.

Yes, exactly.

You are creating hypothetical problems here and then trying to solve them. You want to have a miniwindow that has hotspots that you want to keep (so you can't use WindowCreate) but a background colour you want to change *and* you are using transparency, so you have found a condition that the current API doesn't handle.

Look, I have seen plenty of APIs that handle every conceivable situation, but are unusably complex.

Give me a concrete example of where you need to use transparency, need to change the background colour, and need to keep hotspots (and not just for some generic library, but an actual real-world example) and I will be interested, maybe. Remember all this support is done for free.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #10 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 10:10 AM (UTC)
Twisol said:

I thought I'd try again at a generic miniwindow library, with my expectations set somewhat lower than before. :P

So the addition of a couple of new functions has lowered your expectations? Don't use them then.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Worstje   Netherlands  (899 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #11 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 01:27 PM (UTC)
In Twisol's defence... I don't think his lowering his expectations has anything to do with you adding new features/functions, on the contrary. It has everything to do however with his failed former attempt that was a bit too idealistic in nature, thus making it hard to be finished in anything other than a disappointment.

So this time, he has set realistic expectations, and far more likely to be smiling when he finishes work on it. :)

(Why do I know all this? Been there, done that. That's all I'll say on the subject.)

Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #12 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 02:39 PM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 24 Aug 2010 02:48 PM (UTC) by Fiendish

(and MUDs are text, right?)

Not in my universe. :)

I can't see a huge use for semi-transparent text over other text. It would be kind-of unreadable.

Regardless of the content of the miniwindow (it may not contain text, after all), I think that window transparency is a stupid feature in any user interface for exactly that reason. Blending anything that you're meant to look at with anything else that you're meant to look at just makes everything hard to look at. Alpha blended drop shadows on the other hand are awesome, though significantly less delightful in a context that generally mandates black backgrounds and not putting things on top of each other.

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #13 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 03:41 PM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 24 Aug 2010 03:45 PM (UTC) by Twisol

Nick Gammon said:

Twisol said:

Yeah, that wouldn't be a drop-in change. I suspect using DirectX instead of GDI might help a bit, though I don't know the details. If I remember right, though, the GDI API is a bit lacking in places, forcing you to use cumbersome per-pixel approaches.

Well I don't know how well it would work with Wine, or the Windows emulators under Mac, etc.

Just fine, most likely. Wine supports several rather graphically-intense games. Anyways, this is getting off-topic.

Nick Gammon said:
I mean, for showing the output of what is purely a text-based MUD (and MUDs are text, right?) then why do you really need to have alpha-channel fading in of miniwindows?

I'm not thinking of it so much for the end result, but for compositing windows together (using WindowImageFromWindow and such).

Nick Gammon said:
Look, I have seen plenty of APIs that handle every conceivable situation, but are unusably complex.

Give me a concrete example of where you need to use transparency, need to change the background colour, and need to keep hotspots (and not just for some generic library, but an actual real-world example) and I will be interested, maybe.

It's not about using them at the same time. I'm just writing an object-based wrapper API for miniwindows, and I'm trying to make it simple. The problem I have is that the MUSHclient API right now handles too many things within singular functions. This bug (now feature-request) stems primarily from me trying to make my function smaller, ideally to,height). Everything else can be managed afterwards.

Nick Gammon said:
Remember all this support is done for free.

Ouch. It's a one-liner change, surely this can't be about the effort involved to do this. Did I say something wrong?

I'm not doing any plugins right now. In fact, I haven't for months. All my MUSHclient time has been focused on libraries (some of which worked out, some of which didn't), and the source code. I don't, strictly speaking, need to work on this window API. But I want to make miniwindows approachable.

Is it any skin off my back if this isn't done? No. Unlike the sensi-hotspot thread, I'm not working on anything that would require this. It would just make my API that much cleaner.

Can I write this myself into the client? Sure I could. Is that useful to everyone else? Not really. I need to discuss it here, and if we decide it's good, then I have no problem providing a patch. But after all the other effort I've put into my fork - don't get me wrong, I understand your reasons - I'm not going to add any more new features until I know what their future will be.

Worstje said:
In Twisol's defence... I don't think his lowering his expectations has anything to do with you adding new features/functions, on the contrary. It has everything to do however with his failed former attempt that was a bit too idealistic in nature, thus making it hard to be finished in anything other than a disappointment.

So this time, he has set realistic expectations, and far more likely to be smiling when he finishes work on it. :)

(Why do I know all this? Been there, done that. That's all I'll say on the subject.)

You nailed it, Worstje. Thanks!

Nick, just to clarify, the recent functions actually spurred me to try again. I was (and am) sure that the new functions would let me simplify my API even more (WindowMoveHotspot for the WIN).

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by David Haley   USA  (3,881 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #14 on Tue 24 Aug 2010 04:22 PM (UTC)
You can still keep your library's APIs simple while working around whatever you want to work around in MUSHclient's API. When asked for a concrete use case, I don't think it's really an answer to say that you're trying to keep some API simple; just push the feature to the API if you have to. Or keep it simple and don't handle certain cases (perhaps with a warning).

I don't understand why you think the underlying API affects your API. Even if the MUSHclient API were utterly nasty, you can still write a nice API on top of it, even if it goes through many contortions under the hood. A nasty core API would affect the implementation under the hood of your API, sure, but not the API itself.

David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone

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