Example of 4 shift register chips breadboarded with 32 LEDs:

There are about 8 x 0.1 uF decoupling capacitors there between +5V and Gnd, to keep it all stable.
There are 1K resistors on the board in series with the LEDs.
Video of this in action:
Sketch to make the LEDs light up in sequence:
// Demo sketch to turn sequence up and down bits in 4 shift registers
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 2 May 2012
#include <SPI.h>
const byte LATCH = 10;
const byte numberOfChips = 4;
byte LEDdata [numberOfChips]; // initial pattern
void refreshLEDs ()
digitalWrite (LATCH, LOW);
for (byte i = 0; i < numberOfChips; i++)
SPI.transfer (LEDdata [i]);
digitalWrite (LATCH, HIGH);
} // end of refreshLEDs
void setup ()
SPI.begin ();
} // end of setup
void showPattern (const unsigned int p1, const unsigned int p2)
LEDdata [0] = highByte (p1);
LEDdata [1] = lowByte (p1);
LEDdata [2] = highByte (p2);
LEDdata [3] = lowByte (p2);
refreshLEDs ();
delay (30);
} // end of showPattern
void loop ()
unsigned int pattern;
pattern = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
showPattern (pattern, pattern);
pattern <<= 1;
pattern = 0x8000;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
showPattern (pattern, pattern);
pattern >>= 1;
pattern = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
showPattern (~pattern, ~pattern);
pattern <<= 1;
pattern = 0x8000;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
showPattern (~pattern, ~pattern);
pattern >>= 1;
} // end of loop
Another sketch that lets you choose from the serial monitor which LED to turn on.
[EDIT] However see further down for a more sophisticated version.
// Demo sketch to turn on or off bits in a set of shift registers
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 2 May 2012
#include <SPI.h>
const byte LATCH = 10;
const byte numberOfChips = 4;
const byte maxLEDs = numberOfChips * 8;
byte LEDdata [numberOfChips] = { 0 }; // initial pattern
void refreshLEDs ()
digitalWrite (LATCH, LOW);
for (int i = numberOfChips - 1; i >= 0; i--)
SPI.transfer (LEDdata [i]);
digitalWrite (LATCH, HIGH);
} // end of refreshLEDs
// how much serial data we expect before a newline
const unsigned int MAX_INPUT = 10;
void setup ()
SPI.begin ();
refreshLEDs ();
} // end of setup
// here to process incoming serial data after a terminator received
void process_data (char * data)
Serial.print ("Got command: ");
Serial.println (data);
// C: clear all bits
switch (toupper (data [0]))
case 'C':
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChips; i++)
LEDdata [i] = 0;
Serial.println ("All bits cleared.");
refreshLEDs ();
// S: set all bits
case 'S':
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChips; i++)
LEDdata [i] = 0xFF;
Serial.println ("All bits set.");
refreshLEDs ();
// I: invert all bits
case 'I':
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChips; i++)
LEDdata [i] ^= 0xFF;
Serial.println ("All bits inverted.");
refreshLEDs ();
} // end of switch
// otherwise: nnx
// where nn is 1 to 89 and x is 0 for off, or 1 for on
// check we got numbers
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (!isdigit (data [i]))
Serial.println ("Did not get 3 digits.");
// convert first 2 digits to the LED number
byte led = (data [0] - '0') * 10 + (data [1] - '0');
// convert third digit to state (0 = off)
byte state = data [2] - '0'; // 0 = off, otherwise on
if (led > maxLEDs)
Serial.println ("LED # too high.");
led--; // make zero relative
// divide by 8 to work out which chip
byte chip = led / 8; // which chip
// remainder is bit number
byte bit = 1 << (led % 8);
// turn bit on or off
if (state)
LEDdata [chip] |= bit;
LEDdata [chip] &= ~ bit;
Serial.print ("Turning ");
Serial.print (state ? "on" : "off");
Serial.print (" bit ");
Serial.print (led & 0x7, DEC);
Serial.print (" on chip ");
Serial.println (chip, DEC);
refreshLEDs ();
} // end of process_data
void loop()
static char input_line [MAX_INPUT];
static unsigned int input_pos = 0;
if (Serial.available () > 0)
char inByte = Serial.read ();
switch (inByte)
case '\n': // end of text
input_line [input_pos] = 0; // terminating null byte
// terminator reached! process input_line here ...
process_data (input_line);
// reset buffer for next time
input_pos = 0;
case '\r': // discard carriage return
// keep adding if not full ... allow for terminating null byte
if (input_pos < (MAX_INPUT - 1))
input_line [input_pos++] = inByte;
} // end of switch
} // end of incoming data
// do other stuff here like testing digital input (button presses) ...
} // end of loop
Example commands:
C <-- clear all LEDs
S <-- set (turn on ) all LEDs
I <-- invert all LEDs (turn off if on, and vice-versa)
021 <-- turn LED 02 on
020 <-- turn LED 02 off
161 <-- turn LED 16 on
Improved LED control sketch
// Example of setting, clearing, rotating LEDs connected to a 74HC595 shift register
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 3rd May 2012
For more information see:
Baud rate: 115200
Commands you can type in the serial monitor (can be upper or lower case):
nnnX where nnn is a number (1 or more digits) and X is a command
Spaces are ignored. Carriage-return or linefeed terminates the current command and resets ready for a new one.
nnn C --> Clear LED nnn. If nnn is omitted, or zero, all LEDs are cleared.
nnn S --> Set LED nnn. If nnn is omitted, or zero, all LEDs are set.
nnn I --> Invert LED nnn. If nnn is omitted, or zero, all LEDs are inverted. (if on, turned off, or vice-versa)
nnn R --> Rotate all LEDs to the right nnn positions. If nnn is omitted, default to rotate one position right.
nnn L --> Rotate all LEDs to the left nnn positions. If nnn is omitted, default to rotate one position left.
nnn D --> Set delay amount. The delay (default 100 mS) is done after each command. Can be zero for doing things quickly.
nnn P --> Pause for nnn milliseconds. If nnn is zero, pause for the delay amount.
5s --> turn LED 5 on
s --> turn all LEDs on
7s8s9s --> turn on LEDs 7, 8, 9
30c --> clear LED number 30
c --> clear (turn off) all LEDs
44i --> invert LED number 44 (turn on if off, or off if on)
i --> invert all LEDs
R --> rotate pattern 1 to the right (if LED 1 was on, LED 2 will be on now and so on)
10r --> rotate pattern 10 positions to the right
L --> rotate pattern 1 to the left (if LED 2 was on, LED 1 will be on now and so on)
4L --> rotate pattern 4 positions to the left
1000D --> do a delay of 1000 mS (1 second) after every command
P --> pause the current delay amount
50P --> pause for 50 mS
Change "numberOfChips" below to reflect how many 74HC595 shift registers you have connected together.
D10 (SS) to ST_CP (pin 12) of all 74HC595 chips
D11 (MOSI) to DS (pin 14) of the first 74HC595 chip
D13 (SCK) to SH_CP (pin 11) of all 74HC595 chips
If you want to use a different SS (LATCH) pin on the processor change the LATCH constant below.
#include <SPI.h>
const byte LATCH = 10;
const byte numberOfChips = 4;
const byte maxLEDs = numberOfChips * 8;
byte LEDdata [numberOfChips] = { 0 }; // initial pattern
unsigned long delayAmount = 100;
void refreshLEDs ()
digitalWrite (LATCH, LOW);
for (int i = numberOfChips - 1; i >= 0; i--)
SPI.transfer (LEDdata [i]);
digitalWrite (LATCH, HIGH);
} // end of refreshLEDs
void setup ()
SPI.begin ();
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.println ("Starting ...");
refreshLEDs (); // clear all LEDs
} // end of setup
// turn an LED number into the position in the array, and a bit mask
boolean getChipAndBit (unsigned int led, int & chip, byte & mask)
if (led > maxLEDs)
Serial.print ("LED ");
Serial.print (led);
Serial.println (" too high.");
return true; // error
} // end of too high
led--; // make zero relative
// divide by 8 to work out which chip
chip = led / 8; // which chip
// remainder is bit number
mask = 1 << (led % 8);
return false; // no error
} // end of getChipAndBit
// clear LED n (or all if zero)
void clearLED (const long n)
// zero means all
if (n == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChips; i++)
LEDdata [i] = 0;
} // end of if zero
int chip;
byte mask;
if (getChipAndBit (n, chip, mask))
return; // bad number
LEDdata [chip] &= ~ mask;
} // end of clearLED
// set LED n (or all if zero)
void setLED (const long n)
// zero means all
if (n == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChips; i++)
LEDdata [i] = 0xFF;
} // end of if zero
int chip;
byte mask;
if (getChipAndBit (n, chip, mask))
return; // bad number
LEDdata [chip] |= mask;
} // end of setLED
// invert LED n (or all if zero)
void invertLED (const long n)
// zero means all
if (n == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChips; i++)
LEDdata [i] ^= 0xFF;
} // end of if zero
int chip;
byte mask;
if (getChipAndBit (n, chip, mask))
return; // bad number
LEDdata [chip] ^= mask;
} // end of invertLED
// set the current delay amount to n
void setDelay (const long n)
delayAmount = n;
} // end of setDelay
// rotate pattern right (up) n positions
void rotateRight (unsigned int n)
if (n >= maxLEDs)
Serial.print ("Rotation right amount ");
Serial.print (n);
Serial.println (" too high.");
return; // error
} // end of if too high an amount
// assume rotate at least once
if (n == 0)
n = 1;
// first do whole bytes
while (n >= 8)
byte temp = LEDdata [numberOfChips - 1];
memmove (&LEDdata [1], &LEDdata [0], numberOfChips - 1);
LEDdata [0] = temp;
n -= 8;
} // end of more than a byte
while (n-- > 0)
// each time we carry forwards the high order bit
// the very first time we take that bit from the highest byte
byte oldCarry = (LEDdata [numberOfChips - 1] & 0x80) ? 1 : 0;
for (int thisChip = 0; thisChip < numberOfChips; thisChip++)
byte newCarry = (LEDdata [thisChip] & 0x80) ? 1 : 0;
LEDdata [thisChip] <<= 1;
LEDdata [thisChip] |= oldCarry;
oldCarry = newCarry;
} // end of for
} // end of doing each bit
} // end of rotateRight
// rotate pattern left (down) n positions
void rotateLeft (unsigned int n)
if (n >= maxLEDs)
Serial.print ("Rotation left amount ");
Serial.print (n);
Serial.println (" too high.");
return; // error
} // end of if too high an amount
// assume rotate at least once
if (n == 0)
n = 1;
// first do whole bytes
while (n >= 8)
byte temp = LEDdata [0];
memmove (&LEDdata [0], &LEDdata [1], numberOfChips - 1);
LEDdata [numberOfChips - 1] = temp;
n -= 8;
} // end of more than a byte
while (n-- > 0)
// each time we carry forwards the low order bit
// the very first time we take that bit from the lowest byte
byte oldCarry = (LEDdata [0] & 1) ? 0x80 : 0;
for (int thisChip = numberOfChips - 1; thisChip >= 0; thisChip--)
byte newCarry = (LEDdata [thisChip] & 1) ? 0x80 : 0;
LEDdata [thisChip] >>= 1;
LEDdata [thisChip] |= oldCarry;
oldCarry = newCarry;
} // end of for
} // end of doing each bit
} // end of rotateLeft
// pause for supplied mS, or if zero, the current delay amount
void pause (const long mS)
if (mS == 0)
if (delayAmount)
delay (delayAmount);
delay (mS);
} // end of pause
void processCommand (const byte command, const long n)
switch (command)
case 'C': clearLED (n); break; // Clear LED(s)
case 'S': setLED (n); break; // Set LED(s)
case 'I': invertLED (n); break; // Invert LED(s)
case 'D': setDelay (n); break; // Delay amount (mS)
case 'P': pause (n); break; // Pause for some mS
case 'R': rotateRight (n); break; // Rotate right n positions
case 'L': rotateLeft (n); break; // Rotate left n positions
Serial.print ("Unknown command: ");
Serial.println (command);
} // end of switch on command
// push the new pattern out to the chips
refreshLEDs ();
// do optional delay between commands
if (delayAmount)
delay (delayAmount);
} // end of processCommand
void processInput ()
static long receivedNumber = 0;
byte c = Serial.read ();
switch (c)
// accumulate digits
case '0' ... '9':
receivedNumber *= 10;
receivedNumber += c - '0';
Serial.print ("Unexpected input: ");
Serial.println (c);
// fall through to start new number
// carriage-return or line-feed starts new number
case '\r':
case '\n':
receivedNumber = 0;
case 'A' ... 'Z':
case 'a' ... 'z':
processCommand (toupper (c), receivedNumber);
receivedNumber = 0;
// ignore spaces
case ' ':
} // end of switch on received character
} // end of processInput
void loop ()
if (Serial.available ())
processInput ();
// do other stuff here
} // end of loop
Example commands:
5s --> turn LED 5 on
s --> turn all LEDs on
7s8s9s --> turn on LEDs 7, 8, 9
30c --> clear LED number 30
c --> clear (turn off) all LEDs
44i --> invert LED number 44 (turn on if off, or off if on)
i --> invert all LEDs
R --> rotate pattern 1 to the right (if LED 1 was on, LED 2 will be on now and so on)
10r --> rotate pattern 10 positions to the right
L --> rotate pattern 1 to the left (if LED 2 was on, LED 1 will be on now and so on)
4L --> rotate pattern 4 positions to the left
1000D --> do a delay of 1000 mS (1 second) after every command
P --> pause the current delay amount
50P --> pause for 50 mS