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 Entire forum ➜ Electronics ➜ Microprocessors ➜ WOW! How to make an Arduino-compatible minimal board - WireWrapping?!

WOW! How to make an Arduino-compatible minimal board - WireWrapping?!

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Posted by Ioflex   (3 posts)  Bio
Date Fri 06 Jul 2012 06:03 AM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 06 Jul 2012 06:16 AM (UTC) by Ioflex

After receiving some brilliant and enjoyable beginner help
at the arduino forums, including a midi diagram, my 1000 or so browser bookmarkings and almost daily studies have found me back here 'again' where I've now signed up!

I am more knowledgeable now and WOW indeed...
How to make an Arduino-compatible minimal board has to be the most comprehensive and 'hey, that's the way I'll do it' method for me on the entire internet.

I can say that at this point, as I feel as though I'm rounding so many arduino info. for the 2nd or even 3rd time is some cases.

Alas, I still have yet to build my first minimalist board, and here's what could be my final decision before ordering my parts.

I think I'd like wirewrapping, using the 6 buck Radio Shack tool surprisingly.

Leaving off the full ramble on so many final decisions/puzzles, many of which are dependant on the following:

QUESTION: those long-legged sockets are EXPENSIVE, too expensive for my goal of minimal-cost as well, so can i wirewrap to regular cheapie sockets or perhaps there's other tips.

So: i build the Arduino-compatible minimal board with crystal as FINAL not to be removed on perfboard (see below) then do
the hookup to what will be my UNO R3 as per the wiring diagram in the 'How to Make' article, then program the bootloader onto bare 328P (optiloader looks good),
then i can remove the UNO R3 and hookup what i believe will be (tough decision though) an FTDI cable or FTDI breakout board.
(lots of most interesting options though the goal is use as much multi-purpose as possible. So, i upload my sketch and done!

Soldering or wirewrapping the board isn't the biggest concern, it how i will best access the digital and analog pins.
i do like the miriad of variations on screw down connectors though whoa, they ARE pricey.
[NOTE: it's just the blue edge screw-down bits i'm mentioning]

ideas welcomed on how to permanently fix the 328P's I/O pins to some kind of connector which will be needed for programming perhaps as well.

I do believe there's another level or two of brillliantly simply though that may be wishful.


I should probably throw in the question on whether Multipurpose PC Board with 417 Holes has advantages because it's traced like a breadboard?
I'm thinking to not use a breadboard and do everything with this kind of board.
[sorry, link not showing for this one, maybe it's the '?' causing that]

I need to order exactly what I need. I'm currently pondering SO much though I'll just cover this right now.
Good to have thought it out loud here so to speak here. Great to be a member!


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Fri 06 Jul 2012 07:55 AM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 06 Jul 2012 07:56 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

The wire-wrapping sockets have square corners. The wire is designed to bite into them. If you substitute with solder sockets it might just slip and not make good contact.

An alternative is something like this:

These boards ($3 each) are minimal boards, you just solder on what you need.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Ioflex   (3 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Fri 06 Jul 2012 08:13 AM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 06 Jul 2012 08:35 AM (UTC) by Ioflex

i errr... somehow missed that one yet I've been to evilmadscientist before. amazing.
I've seen and been interested in the price point of their:
Diavolino and ISP Shield for Arduino yet the prototyping boards aren't featured hence my missing 'em i guess.

So, really, that's going to be the best way to get my first project running as I was really stacking up a lot of newness on myself and most of us know where that goes. a month of Sunday if without luck at each juncture.

So: whew....nice one.

So: can i wirewrap to regular sockets legs?
ADDED NOTE: oh! just read better your kind reply. still can i get the cheapo wirewrap tool OVER the legs of a cheapo socket i wonder. i get your point, obviously,
yet i have no experience trying to get the tool's HOLE down onto a regular non-round-even socket leg.... yes, some socets have round legs and some, the way cheap don't,
I'm thinking worst sockets possible.

I won't be using premade proto boards except initially.
i really wanna just bang 'em together on perf.

Another question please: is the perf that i noted by radio shack that looks like breadboard traces usefuller (hehe)

as compared to typical perf where there's no power traces or whatever they're called with/on the Radio Sharck 417 hole layout.

Also, i love your forum, all the needed extras/layout features without typical what people call pretty.
i'm way into removing graphics stuff that thought to be pretty.

WOW, another question: I'm ordering from (25 buck UNO R3s and everything but cheap wire and perf there.

I need just the basics, including 7805s and whatever to make an onboard power supply off a 9 volt battery.

hope it doesn't appear lazy as I well motivated.
I just wanna avoid buying not quite the right caps, crystals, resistors, diodes, and really hard is what clever and cheap way

I'm gonna be able to both program the blank 328Ps (as per your article) and then wire ALL of the I/O pins on the working board so's that my footswitch momentaries can trigger the midi data.

jumpers or just AWG22 wire, wirewrapping or soldering.

EDIT ADD and really perhap all that's worth READING: I figure build the board once so REALLY all of this may boil down to needing a clever cheap header or some kind of screwdown? I/O connector devices for putting wires into like your article for programming bare chip, and then using same? connectors to wire up my footswitches? that's got me that one. those screw down posts are HUGELY pricey.
Is it easy to get it wrong with header (for the ESL board) spacing and caps and crystals?

and also, i believe the evilscientist board (quite a FIND I'm realizing!!!!!) has an area for all power supply parts...?

I'm probably gonna be disapointed in the above in a matter of 20 minutes. So please accept my apology for lack of bevity on this ocassion.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Sat 07 Jul 2012 12:24 AM (UTC)
I prefer to keep Arduino questions on the Arduino forum (saves splitting between two places).

I know I have posted stuff here but that is really intended as a reference.


Also, i love your forum, all the needed extras/layout features without typical what people call pretty.

Thanks. I think so too. :)

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Ioflex   (3 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Sat 07 Jul 2012 01:37 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 07 Jul 2012 01:38 AM (UTC) by Ioflex

Great to know Nick. Very logical. I love the arduino forum. So, I WAS going to come back and edit down substantially my late night ramble above. All good. many thanks for your awesomeness.

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