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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ Triggers and aliases, for the use in the realms of Achaea and Aetolia
Triggers and aliases, for the use in the realms of Achaea and Aetolia
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Posted by
| LordFaux
(7 posts) Bio
| Reply #15 on Sun 26 Apr 2009 02:13 AM (UTC) |
| I would like to remove the entire set of combat aliases from this plug-in. Any advice on how I might do so without hurting any of the rest of the plug-in. I am completely inexperienced at this. Thanks. | Top |
Posted by
| LordFaux
(7 posts) Bio
| Reply #16 on Sun 26 Apr 2009 03:24 AM (UTC) |
| It seems I have answered my own question. I am simply using find to look for alias matches line by line. If anyone has a better solution I'm still all ears, but i will likely finish it tonight anyway. Thanks for your time and the great client! | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #17 on Sun 26 Apr 2009 06:40 AM (UTC) |
| Your approach is what I would have suggested. Edit the plugin and look for:
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #18 on Wed 24 Jun 2009 09:05 PM (UTC) Amended on Sat 23 Jan 2010 03:36 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| I have received an update to the 'Hathcock Reflexes' by email. According to the author:
I have written a MUSHclient/Achaean system in Python, and because this community has helped myself out so much, I am releasing it. If possible, it would be great if it could be listed on your Plugin page, as it is a more updated system for MUSHclient. I have included a short description and the link to the file below.
These files are available from (644 Kb - this includes a 504 Kb GIF picture which is a map):
He adds:
NOTE: This is a FREE system for your learning experience. If you have a question about it, try to use the built in SHELP function. If that doesn't answer the question, I'll try to explain if I feel like it and you ask nice.
NOTE2: The system is complex, and created with myself in mind. Aliases may not make sense, or even do anything useful. Change it if you want, or learn how it works.
NOTE3: Have fun. When you first start the world, before doing ANYTHING, you'll need to change the script path in GAME>CONFIGURE>SCRIPTING, to where you saved the Achaea.pys file at. After that, run racs_setup, or shelp install. It'll tell you what to do.
Please see:
That describes in some more detail how to use this file. Note that this is not a plugin. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Rakon
USA (123 posts) Bio
| Reply #19 on Wed 24 Jun 2009 11:16 PM (UTC) Amended on Wed 24 Jun 2009 11:22 PM (UTC) by Rakon
| Nick,
Thanks for including this system here.
However, for those interested, this is a complete Achaean system written in python. It is NOT an update to Hathcocks system, but instead an entirely new one. I apollogize for not making that clear prior.
Please do not install this system, on a world that already has Hathcocks, or other reflexes.
The included zip has installation method, and it requires a fresh world/ empty settings.
Thank you.
*EDIT* Spelling |
Yes, I am a criminal.
My crime is that of curiosity.
My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #20 on Thu 25 Jun 2009 12:53 AM (UTC) |
| Ah, OK I misunderstood.
I have put the plugins page back to point to the older system, for those that are interested in that one.
I see now that the .zip file mentioned above is not in fact a plugin, but a world file, a Python script, a map, and some help files.
To use, I suggest downloading the .zip file (, unzipping it, and following the instructions in the Helps directory.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| SteamKnight
USA (17 posts) Bio
| Reply #21 on Sat 31 Oct 2009 05:55 PM (UTC) |
| I don't know about you guys, but I keep getting this lovely message:
Error number: -2147221005
Event: finding CLSID of scripting language "Python"
Description: Error -2147221005 occurred when finding CLSID of scripting language "Python":
Invalid class string
Called by:
I took out HathcockReflexes and any other plugins I had installed. What's going on? | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #22 on Sat 31 Oct 2009 07:59 PM (UTC) |
| |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| SteamKnight
USA (17 posts) Bio
| Reply #23 on Wed 11 Nov 2009 06:29 PM (UTC) |
| I'm still having trouble getting the script to go...I downloaded Python, but I can't see any "Register DLL" button anywhere. What do I do now? I'm still getting the "can't find Python" message. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #24 on Thu 12 Nov 2009 01:26 AM (UTC) |
| I am not a Python expert, maybe someone else can help you better. Try searching this forum for "" and see if there is a post that helps you more. People have had this problem before, and running that script may register the DLL for you. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Rakon
USA (123 posts) Bio
| Reply #25 on Thu 12 Nov 2009 06:34 AM (UTC) |
Nick Gammon said:
I have received an update to the 'Hathcock Reflexes' by email. According to the author:
NOTE: This is a FREE system for your learning experience. If you have a question about it, try to use the built in SHELP function. If that doesn't answer the question, I'll try to explain if I feel like it and you ask nice.
NOTE2: The system is complex, and created with myself in mind. Aliases may not make sense, or even do anything useful. Change it if you want, or learn how it works.
NOTE3: Have fun. When you first start the world, before doing ANYTHING, you'll need to change the script path in GAME>CONFIGURE>SCRIPTING, to where you saved the Achaea.pys file at. After that, run racs_setup, or shelp install. It'll tell you what to do.
Yes, I am a criminal.
My crime is that of curiosity.
My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. | Top |
Posted by
| Larkin
(278 posts) Bio
| Reply #26 on Mon 16 Nov 2009 10:56 AM (UTC) |
| Installing ActivePython should take care of the script engine woes. Other distributions of Python don't tie into the Windows Scripting Host properly. | Top |
Posted by
| Kresslack
(70 posts) Bio
| Reply #28 on Thu 21 Jan 2010 11:57 PM (UTC) |
| For reasons unknown to me, it won't keep me logged in long enough to edit my last post and put what I had meant to before I accidently hit Return. Anyway, round two:
Editing plugins isn't hard. Download Notepad++(recommeneded) for starters. Save or copy the plugin, then open or paste it into a new Notepad. From there you can easily edit any triggers, aliases, or variables, so long as you leave the Plugin version, author, and verification intact(this is located at the top). The, save it under a differant file name, and install it. Keep the original for learning purposes, you never know if you're going to want to look back to remember just how they did that neat little trick. This is how I learned how to do ColourNote(very handy for affliction tracking) and DoAfter(very handy for affliction curings and deffing up). Hope this helped! | Top |
Posted by
| Kresslack
(70 posts) Bio
| Reply #29 on Fri 22 Jan 2010 01:05 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 22 Jan 2010 01:26 AM (UTC) by Kresslack
| Also, I went to edit this, and I keep getting: Line 2: Unsupported declaration inside <!DOCTYPE ...> (problem in this file)
Anyone know what the fix for this is?
Overlooked something. The above error is fixed, now I'm working on fixing this:
Line 151: Attribute name 'sleep' not followed by '=' (problem in this file)
| Top |
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