Well, I was writing in another topic and kind of ended up going offtopic about things I feel could improve with World Configuration. This would include dialogs and some back-end things I've noticed over the years. Since making MUSHclient more accessable to new users seems to get more attention as of late, I figured this might help, although I'm very much aware all of it is a lot of work.
Back-end issues:
* Under HKCU/Software/Gammon Software Solutions/MUSHclient/, the name of various worlds are stored as keys with values in them pertaining to window-size information.
- Personally I think this is messy (then again, I'm also a bit OCD). There are other keys in the same folder that do not have to do with worlds, and I feel this information should be saved in a seperate .mcs (MUSHclient state) file in the same directory as the .mcl file.
Front-end issues (interface):
* Most of the World Configuration screen has been 'grown' over the years as features were added. As a result, it isn't always too logical anymore and hard to find features for new users. On top of that, some features aren't really relevant anymore (Input>Macros) since better alternatives have since been implemented (Accelerators). The current Tree structure resembles this:
+ IP address
+ Connecting
+ Logging
+ Timers
+ Chat
+ Info
+ Notes
+ Output
+ MXP / Pueblo
+ ANSI Colour
+ Custom Colour
+ Triggers
+ Printing
+ Commands
+ Aliases
+ Keypad
+ Macros
+ Auto Say
+ Paste
+ Send
+ Scripts
+ Variables
My own view is out of that of a scripter of a MUD, so I don't have experiences with MOO's or MUSHes or the likes, but I hope it will stay logical none the less. The way I see it, most people after starting to use MUSHclient want to get find out about basic scripting and get the hang of it. This is why I suggest the following:
+ Connection (not all newbies may know what an IP address is)
+ Identification (Connecting doesn't describe name/password data much,
nor does it describe connect text well)
+ Logging (Logging your game is a general activity.)
+ Chat (not sure on this one, may need moving since
I for one don't need it at all to play. Maybe put it
in the Server group below, with a good comment that
chatting does not use the actual server?)
+ Info (All good. Statistics may be a better pick though.)
+ Notes (Not all that useful in its current form due to modal window)
Server (Appearance section is output and server protocols mixed)
+ Interpretation (settings concerning data interpretation mud;
IAC EOR/GA conversion, UTF8, negotiate window size, etc)
+ MXP/Pueblo (no changes)
+ Buffer (has information to current Appearance>Output screen,
everything that has a VISIBLE difference, also pause stuff.)
+ ANSI Colour (no real changes, maybe add that these are 'MUD-colours')
+ Custom Colour (no real changes, maybe make it less cramped.)
+ Printing (no real changes, unless colourprinting is added. Add text.)
+ Commands (keyb. prefs in own group below. Re-order screen. Move
'Ignore Echo Off' to Server>Interpretation. Move 'Tab
Completion' stuff together, it's spread out now)
+ Keyboard (this is old keyboard preferences. Maybe call it 'Behaviour'
instead? Also, maybe move Tab completion stuff here, too?)
+ Keypad (this one is okay, although I don't really like it myself.)
+ Macros (keep it, but if you are going to rework macros/accelerators
some time, doing it at the same time might be nice)
+ Auto Say (no change, although box-in-box is annoying. Remove the outer
'Auto say configuration' box, since that is what the screen
is all about.)
+ Paste (no suggestions)
+ Send (no suggestions)
+ Engine (was called Scripts. Maybe move Script prefix to
Input>Commands, but I'm not sure on that one.)
+ Aliases (you know this one.)
+ Triggers (you know this one.)
+ Timers (you know this one.)
+ Variables (you know this one.)
My biggest annoyance has always been that the five windows I use the most and that I expected to be closely related, were all over the place. Same with stuff concerning server protocols, output of stuff on the screen and such. I suppose this is all very close to personal preference, but this is what I think would be nice.
* Make the World Configuration window resizable when you're changing it.
Oh, and Nick.. if you do nothing with this, I don't mind at all. I'm just trying to make a little contribution since actual coding isn't really an option for me.
If you want, I could try doing a similar thing for the Global Preferences screen (which is in need of an update or two as well, I think).