| long WindowCircleOp(BSTR WindowName, short Action, long Left, long Top, long Right, long Bottom, long PenColour, long PenStyle, long PenWidth, long BrushColour, long BrushStyle, long Extra1, long Extra2, long Extra3, long Extra4);
| This draws an ellipse, rectangle, round rectangle, chord or pie, controlled by the Action parameter.
Unlike WindowRectOp described above the rectangles drawn here can be filled with a brush, thus allowing you to have patterned interiors if desired.
Note that changes to miniwindows will not become visible until the output window is redrawn. This happens when new (visible) lines arrive from the MUD, or if you call WindowShow, or Redraw.
WindowName - the name of an existing miniwindow.
Action - what sort of shape to draw, as follows:
1 = Ellipse
2 = Rectangle (however see below)
3 = Round Rectangle
4 = Chord
5 = Pie
Left, Top, Right, Bottom - describes the rectangle into which the shape must fit.
Note for rectangles: Due to the behaviour of the Windows drawing function which this calls, the rectangle excludes the bottom and right-hand edges (that is, stops one pixel short).
PenColour - the RGB colour for this pen
PenStyle - what style of pen to use:
0 - solid (an unbroken pen)
1 - dash: -------
2 - dot: .......
3 - dashdot: _._._._
4 - dashdotdot: _.._.._
5 - null (no pen)
6 - insideframe - a solid pen, drawn inside the shape
Also you can add into the style:
0x0000 - round ends (0 = the default)
0x0100 - square ends (256)
0x0200 - flat ends (512)
0x0000 - round joins (0 = the default)
0x1000 - bevel joins (4096)
0x2000 - miter joins (8192)
PenWidth - the width of the pen in pixels. For styles 1 to 4 only a width of 1 is valid.
For a particular shape, specify style 5 (no pen) if you only want to fill the shape, and not stroke it as well.
BrushColour - the RGB colour for this brush
BrushStyle - what style of brush to use:
0: solid (filled with a solid colour)
1: null (not filled)
2: hatch: horizontal
3: hatch: vertical
4: hatch: forwards diagonal
5: hatch: backwards diagonal
6: hatch: cross
7: hatch: diagonal cross
8: fine pattern
9: medium pattern
10: coarse pattern
11: waves - horizontal
12: waves - vertical
For more information, see:
For actions 1 and 2 (ellipse and rectangle):
Extra1, Extra2, Extra3, Extra4 are ignored.
For action 3 (round rectangle):
Extra1 is the width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corner.
Extra2 is the height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corner.
Extra3, Extra4 are ignored.
For action 4 (chord):
Extra1, Extra2 is the x, y position of the chord's starting point.
Extra3, Extra4 is the x, y position of the chord's ending point.
For action 5 (pie):
Extra1, Extra2 is the x, y position of the pie's starting point.
Extra3, Extra4 is the x, y position of the pie's ending point.
Note: Available in version 4.34 onwards.
Lua example
| -- Ellipses
WindowCircleOp (win, 1, 0, 0, 40, 40, -- circle
ColourNameToRGB("blue"), 0, 2, ColourNameToRGB("cyan"), 0)
WindowCircleOp (win, 1, 50, 20, 100, 100, -- ellipse
ColourNameToRGB("magenta"), 0, 2, ColourNameToRGB("cyan"), 0)
-- Rectangles
WindowCircleOp (win, 2, 5, 5, 40, 40, -- square
ColourNameToRGB("blue"), 0, 3, ColourNameToRGB("cyan"), 8)
WindowCircleOp (win, 2, 50, 20, 95, 95, -- rectangle
ColourNameToRGB("magenta"), 0, 3, ColourNameToRGB("cyan"), 11)
-- Round Rectangle
WindowCircleOp (win, 3, 15, 15, 90, 90, -- round rectangle
ColourNameToRGB("blue"), 0, 2, ColourNameToRGB("cyan"), 10, 25, 25)
-- Chord
WindowCircleOp (win, 4, 15, 15, 90, 90, -- chord
ColourNameToRGB("green"), 0, 2, ColourNameToRGB("cyan"), 0,
40, 10, 70, 95)
-- Pie
WindowCircleOp (win, 5, 15, 15, 90, 90, -- pie
ColourNameToRGB("green"), 0, 2, ColourNameToRGB("cyan"), 0,
60, 10, 80, 80)