Script function
Read about scripting
Gets the value of a named alias option
VARIANT GetAliasOption(BSTR AliasName, BSTR OptionName);
View list of data type meanings
Gets the current value of an alias option.
You must specify the name of an existing alias, and an alias option from the list below. These are the same names as used in the XML world files for alias options.
Note that you can neither get or set the "name" field. It is listed below for completeness in viewing aliases copied to the clipboard or in world files and plugins. You already know the name when getting the alias option (it is AliasName), and this function is provided to modify existing aliases, not rename them. To change the name of an alias use ExportXML, modify the XML, and then ImportXML.
The return type is Variant, so the returned value will be the appropriate type for the data (ie. string or number (long)).
If the option name is not known, or is not allowed to be retrieved, a NULL variant is returned.
If the named alias does not exist, EMPTY is returned. If the name given is invalid, NULL is returned. If the option name is not known, EMPTY is returned. (Use "IsEmpty" and "IsNull" to test for these possibilities).
For a detailed description about the meanings of the fields, see AddAlias.
If GetAliasOption is called from within a plugin, the aliases for the current plugin are used, not the "global" MUSHclient aliases.
To find options for other plugins use GetPluginAliasOption.
The various option names are:
"echo_alias": y/n - echo alias itself to output window
"enabled": y/n - alias is enabled
"expand_variables": y/n - expand variables (like @target)
"group": (string - group name)
"ignore_case": y/n - caseless matching
"keep_evaluating": y/n - evaluate next alias in sequence
"match": (string - what to match)
"menu": y/n - add alias to menu that appears if you LH click
"name": (string - name/label of alias)
"omit_from_command_history": y/n - omit alias from the command history
"omit_from_log": y/n - omit alias from log file
"omit_from_output": y/n - omit sent text from the output window
"one_shot": y/n - alias is deleted after firing
"regexp": y/n - regular expression
"script": (string - name of function to call)
"send": (multi-line string - what to send)
"send_to": 0 - 13 - "send to" location (see below)
"sequence": 0 - 10000 - sequence number in which to check - lower first
"user": -2147483647 to 2147483647 - user-defined number
"variable": (string - name of variable to send to)
Boolean options (shown as y/n) are returned as 0 for false (n) or 1 for true (y).
Send-to locations
"0" - send to MUD
"1" - put in command window
"2" - display in output window
"3" - put in status line
"4" - new notepad
"5" - append to notepad
"6" - put in log file
"7" - replace notepad
"8" - queue it
"9" - set a variable
"10" - re-parse as command
"11" - send to MUD as speedwalk
"12" - send to script engine
"13" - send without queuing
"14" - send to script engine - after omitting from output
Available in MUSHclient version 3.29 onwards.
VBscript example
Note GetAliasOption ("myalias", "match")
Jscript example
Note (GetAliasOption ("myalias", "match"));
PerlScript example
$world->Note ($world->GetAliasOption ("myalias", "match"));
Python example
world.Note (world.GetAliasOption ("myalias", "match"))
Lua example
Note (GetAliasOption ("myalias", "match"))
Lua notes
Lua returns nil where applicable instead of an "empty variant" or "null variant".
The "SendTo" field can be looked up using the "sendto" table in the Lua global address space, as follows: = 0
sendto.command = 1
sendto.output = 2
sendto.status = 3
sendto.notepad = 4
sendto.notepadappend = 5
sendto.logfile = 6
sendto.notepadreplace = 7
sendto.commandqueue = 8
sendto.variable = 9
sendto.execute = 10
sendto.speedwalk = 11
sendto.script = 12
sendto.immediate = 13
sendto.scriptafteromit = 14
Return value
As described above.
See Also ...
Default triggers/aliases/timers/macros/colours
Getting started
Keypad navigation
Macro keys
Regular Expressions
Speed walking
(AddAlias) Adds an alias
(DeleteAlias) Deletes an alias
(DeleteAliasGroup) Deletes a group of aliases
(DeleteTemporaryAliases) Deletes all temporary aliases
(EnableAlias) Enables or disables an alias
(EnableAliasGroup) Enables/disables a group of aliases
(GetAlias) Gets details about an alias
(GetAliasInfo) Gets details about an alias
(GetAliasList) Gets the list of aliases
(GetAliasWildcard) Returns the contents of the specified wildcard for the named alias
(GetPluginAliasInfo) Gets details about a named alias for a specified plugin
(GetPluginAliasList) Gets the list of aliases in a specified plugin
(GetPluginAliasOption) Gets the value of a named alias option for a specified plugin
(IsAlias) Tests to see if an alias exists
(SetAliasOption) Sets the value of a named alias option
(Help topic: function=GetAliasOption)